I’ve been masturbating for some time but have never managed to actually orgasm from it. It feels like I’m getting there but then I get an overwhelming urge to pee (I don’t have a UTI). Also, I don’t have access to toys and have to be quiet and discreet. If anyone has any advice on how to go forward I would appreciate it. Serious replies only please.

  1. Hiii! It is awesome you are exploring yourself 🙂 the urge to pee indicates you are close to orgasm! Same happens to me! When you give in to it you’ll feel the orgasm. I recommend putting a towel or 2 to absorb the fluids (don’t be scared of the fluid – you might cum a lot and that is ok!) Remember to go to the toilet afterwards 🙂

    I hope this helps! Happy exploring!

  2. If you are masturbating or having sex, oral, whatever…if you feel the urge to pee just let it go. This is just your body telling you you’re about to cum. Just keep going and let it happen!

  3. I’d echo what others have said. If you feel like peeing just keep going and prepare for the mess ahead of time.

    Do you feel a pressure building and a need to release?

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