What’s something other women have that you wish you had?

  1. The witchcraft that is the ability to network and socialize and captivate a room.

  2. Bigger breasts, always been pretty flat chested thanks to being Korean, wouldn’t want to get surgery but wish I just had bigger ones :

    Maybe people wouldn’t think I was a little kid then.

  3. The ability to put on an outfit and make the room stop.

    Just once, like…. Like the movies. Where you wear something formal and everyone is amazed.

    I would like that moment 1 time in my life, not for attention but… I’m that invisible girl. Ya know? I like that. I do. My wife is the girl everyone stops for. For once, for once I wish that could be me 🙂

  4. Good pay job, own house, nice car, free weekends job schedule, pretty and good dentures, good eyesight, lupus free body, fertility.

  5. I wish I was taller, I feel that it would have made a lot of improvements in my life.

  6. Small tits, functional knees, and a distinct lack of debilitating mental health issues.

  7. Ability to wear make up and dress up. I have zero interest and talent for it. It’s like, combing my hair makes me look uglier that just got out of bed look.

  8. I’m always jealous of women that can braid their hair. I have a hard time figuring out what my hands are doing when I can’t see them.

  9. Being able to live without RA lol also having a face that isn’t permanently looking like I’m annoyed or pissed off.

  10. Smaller boobs. Lighter eyes.
    Overall drop dead gorgeous with abilities to make heads turn/ break hearts 😅
    A girl can dream 😀

  11. A flat stomach. I like my body a lot, but damn I want a flat abdomen! I can’t have kids, I have no need for that extra fat there!

    Alternatively, no body hair. Save for eyebrows, eyelashes, and ‘hair’ hair

  12. Quite honestly, nothing. And I don’t mean that in an arrogant way. I am saying it in a way that I f***ing love myself and am proud of myself for the first time in forever. I am grateful for what I have while trying every day to better myself. I don’t try to get jealous anymore, and while I have goals I don’t beat myself up when I don’t have something

  13. I really want a house, its my one big goal in life other than finding a job that I love. I’m jealous of my aunts’ houses

  14. I wish I could be in good shape and have a toned figure as easily as some women. I eat healthy and have an active lifestyle but my body just wants to be the thick fleshed 1800s german woman of my ancestors. Like I’m not fat or unhealthy but still have a lot of extra fulff

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