I have very small breasts and I know men are naturally attracted to big breasts. It’s a universally loved physical feature among men. Every man across all cultures, races, and ethnicities like big tits. So, should I invest in plastic surgery to be more appealing?

  1. I would say no.

    It’s better to find someone who loves you for who you are instead of a pair of silicone implants.

  2. I would say no.You should be measured for other personal values more important than big breasts

  3. The best breasts are the ones I am allowed to touch!

    There are lot of guys who preffer smaller. Also there are a lot of guys who don’t care about the size.

    I studied with a girl in university who is extremely flat, but she is very kind, has a cute face and great sense of style. And she always had a lot of guys trying to ask her out. Also later she trained her butt (to compensate breasts maybe, but she already was in a relationship when she started).

  4. No.

    This is a complete dilusion what you think. Men are attracted to breasts of all types and sizes. And believe me, 99% of men prefer natural breasts of any type compared to fake tits. They look bad!

    Personally, I actually prefer smaller breasts, while fake ones are a deal breaker for me!

    Don’t ruin your breasts. Take care of yourself in a natural way, i.e. eat healthy and exercise, be a good person. Men care about the whole package.

  5. Be proud of what you have and own your body. That type of confidence will attract men towards you.

  6. I would say no, but I understand feeling self conscious about certain things. I think if getting the procedure makes you more confident, men will be drawn to that more than the boobs. Obviously there are risks involved, though.

  7. Maybe right but you can have the best body and not be able to keep a long lasting relationship.


  9. Also urs are more sensitive and men like that unlike fake or big ones full of fat and the nerves are far awag

  10. I’m not gonna speak for all the men out there, but as a guy I can at least say my meaning about this:

    You are you and you are amazing, just the way you are. The moment you start to change your appearance (clothing style or plastic surgery) to “please others” you will start a cycle you most likely will regret.

    First just accept your body for what it is, then appreciate what that body does for you everyday. Then find someone that also can appreciate you that way.

    Now over to the topic of small vs large breast.
    Did you know the smaller breast you have the more sensitive they are often? Because there are less fat, all the sensual areas are more exposed.
    Which means you could potentially have an orgasm by just having your breasts played with over time.

    Also about plastic surgery please don’t.
    Iv seen girls that was beautiful, then they do lip fillers and such. And sadly I think it ruins their beauty.

  11. No its not worth it. If your boobs get bigger and men flock to you those aren’t the men you want. Also natural is better than bigger boobs.

  12. What is your dating standard like? I doubt this is an issue. I know someone who wants to do this because she is only interest in dating 6’0 athlete. And as a man I dont care, your attitude and personality and how you take care of yourself matter more.

  13. I would say no. I personally don’t care about breast size. In fact, the thought of a woman who had plastic surgery kind of turns me off.

  14. As a dude, I can confidently say that most guys don’t give a shit if a girl has big boobs or not.

    And also most boob jobs look obvious and bad unless you pay top dollar for it. Very much not worth it.

  15. NO. As a woman with big boobs I can tell you that it does not improve the quality of men that come a calling. I fucking hate my big boobs and resent the fact that they’re the first thing people notice. If you think you have so little else to offer, your boobs aren’t the problem.

  16. Don’t do it just to find a man. If a man decides to stay with you it will not be due to your breast size.

  17. No, you should never alter your body for a man. Also, implants increase your chance of getting breast cancer.

  18. I dont get you, as I wrote in a different post about the first girl for whom I fall in love, physically she was thin, small breast and maybe 5′ 3 height, I fall in love with her regardless their breast size, she just make smile and have fun while I was near to her. so don’t make the mistake of put you into a procedure for “find” a men, a men will like you regardless you breast size, I have a cousin that is so successfully finding men here and there that flirt with her , as she called them ” let my alone with my mini babybottles”, she is maybe A cup or less,so if you make that you will make the same that a friend of mine that make it and then realize she have to go to the doctor to change the implant every 10 years for what I recall and moreover it didn’t improve her dating experience it make it worse bc the guys just want to get lay.

    So my advice is, dont make it and try to improve your other qualities to attract men.

  19. My wife is on the smaller side. She thought about it a while back, but decided against it. I love her breasts and while I would be supportive if she ever wanted to do it, I’m more attracted to her today than ever.

    IMHO, don’t do it for the idea of attracting a man. Love don’t give a shit what size your boobs are.

  20. Definitely not, you can get implant to attract a man but if you don’t have the personality to keep him then you will be alone and out however much you spent on the implants. Of course this is my own personal opinion.

  21. No. Get them because you want them. There a plenty of me who love small breaths too.

    I had small breast and hated it. Most of the men I dated loved them and hated the thought of me getting implants. Fast forward I got implants about 5 years ago. I love it!! Most of my male friends hate that I got them. But it was a present from my best friend who is also my sex partner, he paid for it because that’s what I wanted to have more self confidence not because that’s what men would want.

    Good luck on your decision.

  22. We are in the year 2022. Guys don’t care about big breasts anymore. Butts are the ‘in’ thing now and have been for probably 10 years almost. I wasn’t even aware that women care about having big breasts anymore due to that. I can’t speak for all guys. But me and the guys I know, couldn’t give 2 shits if a woman has the smallest breast in the world. If she has a nice butt then she can still easily be considered very attractive

    But even if big breasts were ‘popular’ I still wouldn’t get the surgery as you won’t feel any better. IG models who have the best bodies in the world likely don’t even have a healthy image of themselves. I know guys who’ve gone from very far/skinny to being ripped and still ooze insecurity. The issue isn’t on the outside. It’s in the inside

  23. No. Your belief is incorrect! I must prefer small boobs. And I mean small, not just non-large. I don’t think I’m alone in this.

  24. If getting a boob job will make you feel more confident and at peace with your body, then absolutely go for it! But doing it because of what others may or may not think could turn this expensive decision into a regret.

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