As a father, what would you say to your 17 year old son if you knew he had a girlfriend and found his condoms?

  1. If you haven’t given him the talk then RIP

    Take solace in the fact he’s being safe. Sex is natural. Being educated is key.

  2. If he has condoms then my work is done, nothing needs to be said

  3. Im glad i had a mature, non judgemental sex talk with you much earlier than this so your expectations were managed.

  4. What is it with posts about 17 years olds and their condoms lately?

    New way of karma collecting?

  5. Just emphasis on the need to be careful. Letting him know you know makes him super careful.

  6. Thanks for not being a dumbass, keep using them. I just dont wanna ever hear it.

  7. If they’re a surprise just tell him to keep being safe and let me know if they ever needed help getting protection, screenings, whatever. I’ll make it happen no drama, no questions.

    Same jist as the daughter version of this from earlier, really, minus being able to offer to get him onto extra control methods like she could.

    Hopefully they’ll both know l’d take that approach well before 17, though. I certainly intend to repeat it to them to the point of teenage groaning and beyond.

  8. Glad you’re using protection, do you have any questions that I can help you with? Then I’d just get the ball rolling on making sure all my concerns for what they should know are covered.

  9. Found your rubbers, make sure you bloody use em when ya shtooping ya missus or you’ll end up with a kid and ya cock’ll rot off.


    Long as your being safe and making healthy choices, go for it lad.

  10. My mother found mine in the wash when I was 15. She asked me if they were mine; I said yes. She said “Thank God, I thought they were your father’s!”.

  11. Don’t leave them I your wallet or vehicle as they can weaken and break. Don’t get caught. Attaboy

  12. I was 16, as I leaned back on the sofa I didnt realise a condom fell out of my back pocket onto the floor.

    My dad said to me “you’ve dropped something there, son” as he got up to go toilet/kitchen and just nodded at me in a sensible way.

    I took it as if he was saying, that’s ok and I was being responsible!

  13. “Son , it is time to talk about birds and bees”
    “Yea, dad, what you want to know?

  14. Yeah when I was 16 my dad found my condom stash which was in my dresser. Coincidentally there was a thumb tack sitting right next to it…

    My now concerned father yells my name so I go and talk to him. I walk into my bedroom to see him staring into my drawer and he was like “I want to be proud of you…but I have some questions first..”😂

    Clearly I was not poking holes in them. It just happened to be in that same drawer.

  15. In addition to giving props for using protection, I would talk about consent and what things make a healthy and unhealthy relationship.

  16. Well it wasn’t my son but actually my daughter. I was taking her car to the shop and found them in the center armrest glove box. I told her she shouldn’t keep them in there because the heat will destroy them in Arizona. I told her I wasn’t happy that she was having sex but I understood she was old and mature enough to make those decisions and I was happy she was using protection. Never spoke about it again as there was no need.

  17. Oh man, I got yelled and and shamed when my dad found condoms in my college apartment when I was freaking 20.

  18. Main thing: Tell him good job on the condoms. That youre proud of him for taking sex seriously and using protection.

    That being said, tell him that one thing to keep in mind is condoms are NOT 100% pregnancy proof and they need to be used correctly to get a high level of efficiency otherwise pregnancy can happen.

    Explain to him that Plan B exists and is cheap. That ideally his GF is using birth control as well. Also, he can come to you for help with anything, anytime even if its awkward for him or you.

    Youre a guy, hes a guy. It will be tough for him to see you as nothing else but his dad and its awkward as hell always, but he can trust you on anything. Dont break that trust.

    Main thing you want to tell him is that sex can be fun, its a lot of fun as a youngster, but if you mess up it can saddle you with a responsibility for a lifetime. Safe sex prevents STDs but just as importantly for a young kid, it keeps babies from being made.

  19. I’m a mom, but I found out my son and his gf were having sex when he was 16 and we were at the store. He asked me if I could buy him condoms….no embarrassment from either of us, I just said of course and he said cool.

    We get to the condom aisle and I go to pick some Trojans for the kid and he whispers, ‘Mom, I need Magnums.’ I wanted to both laugh and die from the awkwardness I felt, but I kept my cool. In the back of my head though I thought….he must really take after my side of the family. Put them in the cart and as we walked away he says, ‘Thanks mom. Love you.’ He’s an awesome kid.

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