Ive been single for like more than 10 years. I like him. He was my first boyfriend in highschool. we broke up because of my parents, I wasnt allowed to have a boyfriend back then because they said i was too young.
He messaged me after 10+ years of no communication and he wanted to try again. I havent forgetten about him and I also wanted to try again with him now that were older. Now that were dating, I miss being single. I like him, but sometimes it just feels weird. I dont know if this is gonna work out. 🙁

  1. Why not? After all 10+ years is a long time to still wish to have that person in your life on both sides. Just be completely honest with them. If it’s cuz you want to be able to talk to whoever you like and sleep with them if you wish then say it. You don’t have to cut that person out of your life ask them to come along for the ride if they want to or not. If that person truly loves you, you work together and ride the rollercoaster of life together.

  2. Loli3 is right I mean you missed them for so long and got an opportunity many wish they had, talk about what y’all want and try to work it out. Good luck.

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