Just some background:

My boyfriend (M19) and I (F19) have been dating for about a year, with a solid 9 months of that year being long distance across the country (we go to different unis). He is quit literally my first everything: kiss, boyfriend, sexual partner (etc). Near the beginning of our relationship, I asked him if he had ever been in love, which he said yes to. To my surprise, his first love wasn’t his high school gf of 6 months, but his female friend who he met after his ex. He told me that he was in love with her and that when he thinks of love, he thinks of her, but he never confessed. Then he followed that with how he thinks he dodged a bullet and that he’s over her, so I stayed with him. Days later I found out that they have drunken kissed in the past while she had a boyfriend…which was a huge red flag, but yet again I still stayed with him.

Now, this girl comes to my boyfriend when she’s lonely and needs comfort: FaceTiming him while she’s taking shots alone in her dorm, calling him instead of 911 when a man is following her home, and he is very responsive to it. It’s also important to add that she is a part of the same friend group as my boyfriend, and they are all very close.

Fast forward to this weekend:

His parents were out of town so I was staying the night. At around midnight his friends asked him to hangout; I was fine with that, so his friends, including the girl, came over and brought some alcohol. My bf was very attentive to me the whole time, making sure I was comfortable and staying by my side (I tend to be pretty timid and shy when meeting new people). Me and him were on the couch, and the female friend was behind us at the dining table with the others. The whole time while he was next to me, they were snapchatting each other.

Later that night, after his friends left, he told me that he felt bad for her because, again, she would FaceTime him when she was lonely and drinking alone in her dorm. I guess he could tell I was uncomfortable with that and he reassured me that there were no feeling there. The next day, we were woken up by a call from the girl, asking my bf to hangout. He asked me if I wanted to, and although I didn’t, I reluctantly agreed (ik bad on my part). When she came to pick us up, she was in the driver seat (obviously), my bf was in the passenger seat, and I was in the back. Knowing their history, this setup was just plain uncomfortable to me. The whole time I was third wheeling my bf and his first love.

We first went to a cafe to study, and then to a third friends’ house to hangout. Mind you, I barely know these friends and once again, I’m pretty quiet when meeting new people. The three (my bf, his female friend, and another friend from their friend group) are all musically inclined as opposed to me, so they all decided to play drums and guitar the whole time. There were also only three instruments and I did not know how to play any, so I ended up just sitting there on my phone while they enjoyed themselves. The instruments were so loud that they wore headsets, so it wasn’t like I could start a conversation either.

At one point, I left the room to call my friend cause I felt so awkward, and when I came back, my bf and the female friend were dancing together, playing with bubbles together…he also put an earpiece into her ear for her. After they were done, the female friend and third friend were talking, and she muttered something along the lines of “have you ever had a friend where something more could become of it but you decide to stay friends?”. Idk that just made me think. There was also a moment where me and her were crossing the street and a car was approaching…he called out her name instead of mine. Every 20 minutes he would check in on me, asking if I was ok. After about an hour and a half he texted me saying that if I felt uncomfortable we could go back to his house and watch a show. I could see how attentive he was to me, but I couldn’t help but feel upset.

When he asked for a kiss I shook my head, and when he tried to put his hand on my thigh, I turned away. It takes a lot for me to be comfortable with someone touching me, and the idea of him touching me after seeing his interactions with the female friend repulsed me. She ended up dropping us off at his place, but after dinner she was gonna come back with the friend group to drink. Right when we left her car my bf asked me what was wrong. I ended up crying, telling him that their relationship made me uncomfortable and really scared. At one point, he said “Yeah I was in love with her, but people move on”. Other then that, all he had to say was “Sorry” and “I love you”. I ended up asking to be dropped off at home, and while he was driving me back, he asked if there was anything he could do.

I never want to be the person to make an ultimatum nor the gf who requests their bf to cut ppl off, but I have stopped talking to many guy friends at college who my bf felt uncomfortable about. Still, I had nothing to say because I didn’t want to ask that out of him. He knew her before he met me, so I felt that all I could do was tell him how I felt and let him decide what to do with it. That night I couldn’t sleep knowing that the two were drinking together at his place.

I get a call at 3 am from my bf. He was drunk, asking me what he could do to fix everything, saying that cutting her off is “very doable” and that he moved on. He brought up that he was scared to lose me and said, “You’re gonna let her get between us? her?! there is no attraction there. I talk shit about her all the time to you”. He even added, “if we break up, I’ll get over you too someday, I don’t want to, but I will”. We talked it out and saw each other the next day. Everything was fine until I took a glance at his phone and saw her as his most recent contact. Again, I felt disgusted and uncomfortable. Thoughts?

  1. Ah, this is a tough situation. It will end up teaching you a lot about yourself, but it may also be very painful. I think your man’s female friend has some boundary issues. It sounds like her emotional dependence on him is making you uncomfortable, totally valid. People tend to think infidelity is just physical cheating, but there is also an emotional component. If you feel like he is providing an inappropriate amount of emotional support to this girl you gotta let him know so he can decide if he wants to create boundaries with her. Otherwise, you’ll need to make sure your jealousy (although valid) does not begin to affect your behavior (it already has, from what you’ve said) or it will have negative consequences on your relationship although you may not intend it. Or, you could decide that you would rather not have a partner that lacks those boundaries and decide that this was a deal-breaker. Whatever you do, realize there are so many experiences to be had in your life. So many lovers. You don’t have to spend time in a relationship that makes you feel this way if you don’t want. Could just be a simple incompatibility!

  2. I do believe that your bf may not be in love with this girl anymore, but he’s being too nice to her – at your detriment.

    I say if its doable then he should cut her off.

    Also as a couple you can’t have any quality time if you’re hanging out with friends every night and going drinking or something. Cut that out

  3. I think your boyfriend should put some more emotional distance between him and his friend, cutting her off or breaking up over what you have described here seems like a massive over reaction to me. But, you feel how you feel. Just because something wouldn’t bother me doesn’t mean it’s not allowed to bother you.

  4. Having been in this situation before like many others, I don’t think you’re overreacting. The reality is that if the best friend has no boundaries with him knowing he has a girlfriend, he has to make a choice. Ideally, he could talk to her and set boundaries and she would respect them, but given their intimate history (the kiss and love confession) I don’t see that going well. If he is serious about you he will make a choice, otherwise run. This is too much drama early in the relationship, you’re young and deserve someone who won’t put you in such a shitty position.

  5. I can’t reconcile his actions with what he is saying to you. He is saying all the right things, but allowing her to make him her emotional crutch and interacting with her in uncomfortable ways.

  6. Your letting her win. Make some boundaries and make him tell her. If he wants to be with you which he said make them. Don’t let alittle shit like the friend win. If you want him stand up and make them boundaries. If he can’t do that then kick his ass out the door.

  7. Whether he is in love with her now or not he should stay away from her so you can be secure and he can focus on relationship with you. You have a reason to feel this way so there is nothing wrong in setting some hard boundaries with him. You tell him how you feel and what you expect from him and then let him decide how he wants to deal with this. It is his first duty to make sure that you are happy and this relationship is getting stronger.

  8. DUMP HIM! I’m sorry, and I don’t want to invalidate your feelings just because you’re young… but when I (28F) was younger, I put up with crap like this and got hurt and cheated on.
    There are tons of guys out there who don’t have this messy baggage (which is exactly what this is). His relationship with her makes you uncomfortable because it is inappropriate.

  9. RELAAATE. I was in a similar situation few years back. My bf was my first in everything. He has a fraternity sister who is very close to him and they had a brief history as a fling. She was with her at when he was at his lowest. When we got together, they were still intimately close. At first, i was cool with it until i can’t pretend anymore. As a frat man, interactions with her cannot be avoided in such events and I don’t want him to totally cut her off in respect to the help she gave during his darkest days. But, i stood my ground as a gf and communicated to him that I am uncomfortable. We agreed on clear boundaries such as only meeting her and talking to her about frat related matters or law school, keeping me updated on his whereabouts when they are together, etc. I trust him to honor that. So far, it is working.

    I think you just need to be reassured through things that can make you feel indeed. If you set boundaries in a relationship, both of you should respect it. Trust, honesty, and communication are crucial.

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