A bit of a back story. So, my girlfriend and I have been exclusively dating for over 4 months now and have been dating for about 7 months. We had dated back 3 years ago, and she broke things off because she felt that it didn’t “feel” right. So essentially, we went without contact for 1.5 years before rekindling. Things have been great! But there are a few things that I’ve noticed about her that I’m not sure if they are deal breakers.
1. There’s times she’s super affectionate, and times where she’s to herself. I am affectionate most times, but I think I am getting a bit resentful because she has pushed me away sometimes.
2. At times, when I would initiate sex, she would randomly get up and start to clean her room or wash the dishes. And then get ready to go to sleep. Not sure if it was her way to call me to bed, but very it would be confusing.
3. Earlier yesterday I told her about how I felt and if we could work on it together, and she told me she’d look into it. It makes me wonder if in the future when things come up, she’ll want to handle it her way without my opinion.
Have any of you gone through this? I’ve also expressed to her to be open and honest with me, but it seems she holds things to herself. I want to make this work, but I don’t know if I can build a life with someone who is dare I say, selfish.

  1. So I can’t speak for her, but she sounds as though she needs space and can’t always give you affection. It’s hard when you rely on affection and she doesn’t want to give it but you can’t force her of course.

    As for the sex thing, it sounds as though she might not be able to “get in the mood” until all the chores are done. Many people are like this and it might just be something you might have to help her with and then she’ll be more wanting to have sex.

    She honestly might feel as though she can’t work through things with someone else. Trust issues or whatever. It’s really hard and I understand that you want her to work things out WITH you but she might want to work things out for herself first and then slowly start letting you in.

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