For example:

– if I like pictures of people in social media is that cheating?

– if I go to a movie with someone is that cheating?

– if I send smiley faces to people at work is that cheating?

Is there a clear definition of what it means to cheat on someone?

  1. That’s something you and your partner establish because it varies from person-to-person. A good rule of thumb is that anything you do with another person that you’d be ashamed to share with your partner constitutes cheating.

  2. Think of it this way: anything that you would do that you would want to hide from your partner is cheating.

    You can have a private life. I’m talking about actually sneaking around behind your partner’s back and making sure that they never find out.

  3. Depends on the person and the picture

    Depends on the person and your relationship to them

    Smiley faces can be ok as long as they aren’t the flirty type and context matters.

  4. No.

    There is no clear definition. Each person feels differently about it. Basically if you are in a committed relationship with someone and they feel you’ve crossed a line with someone of the opposite sex and they think you’ve cheated then to them you’ve cheated on them.

    Try not to get hung up on the word “cheating”. Think of it more of crossing their intimacy/relationship boundaries.

    First point: this one sounds like a girl mad at a guy. Usually guys are the ones looking at lots of “hot” or “nude” pictures of other women on the internet and following them. Some women do not want their man to be following lots of sexy women and looking and commenting on all of their half naked pictures. They want you to look at her and focus all of your sexuality on her and not other women. Some do not care. It is a case by case scenario.

    Second point. If you are going out alone with a member of the opposite sex, some may have an issue with that. Some won’t. That is sort of a “date”. It may be a friend date but it is still a date. It may depend on who the person is.

    Third point. I’d say this one usually won’t run into any issues but it kind of depends on who you are sending them to, how often you do it and what type of relationship you have with that person.

    When you are in a relationship it is usually a case by case situation as to how close, how much attention or bonding time you spend with other opposite sex parties. There is no clear definition always.

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