What is your opinion on Medicaid and Medicare?

  1. They don’t do enough for the people that need them.

    Medicaid is far too unpredictable when you look at all the differences between state programs.

    Medicare leaves the elderly and disabled without prescription, dental, eyeglass, or hearing coverage.

  2. I hate being stuck in the MedicAid gap. No insurance because my State rejected expanding MedicAid.

  3. After having heath insurance for 40 years, pandemic caused me to be laid off. I was able to get Medicaid.

  4. I haven’t had to use either, but dealt with my late mother’s medical expenses in her last couple of years.

    Medicare seemed to provide decent coverage, particularly when combined with a Medigap policy to handle deductibles. She never needed Medicaid, but my understanding is that she’d have had to have been absolutely destitute to qualify.

    As fare as the cost is concerned, I’m pretty sure that both programs are budget busters and consume a pretty significant portion of our tax dollars.

  5. never had to worry about it. im blessed to always been covered by good private health insurance.

  6. I loved being on Medicaid because I didn’t have to pay to see a doctor and my prescriptions were 50 c. a piece. It certainly didn’t go far enough with coverage. Where I lived it didn’t cover dental work, even if it was an emergency. Without it I wouldn’t be here today.

  7. Wish it was for all. We spent the most on healthcare for only mediocre outcomes. I would prefer government insurance to private insurance any day.

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