I’m(M) trash at describing things so if you get confused, I’m saying sorry in advance.I go to school with a girl that I really like.Last year I was literally in the same class as her, and since she is a friend of my friend I sat really close to her(we had assigned seats, but we could choose them at the start of the year).My friend and her are really close(as friends and nothing more).So my friend sat right behind me and she sat next to me,(I had another friend there but she isn’t relevant to the story at all).I find it very difficult to express myself, even to people that I see on a daily basis, so even though she sat next to me I never talked to her.Her and my friend constantly talked to eachother and I just couldn’t say anything.Its not like they left me out, it’s just that I didn’t have enough confidence to speak to her even though she’s told me many times that I should talk to her but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.There were only like 5 times that I talked to her and all those times she started the conversation, and it’s never really a conversation,it’s just a few words and that’s it.So this year we were put in different classes, but her friend, “Bae,” is also my friend.Whenever Bae talks to me, my crush either walks away or is completely silent and just to boost my self esteem I convinced myself that she did that because she likes me.I knew that this wasn’t true though.My other friends always make jokes about how were such a good match(they don’t know that she’s my crush though).That makes me happy, but still, even though I clearly have a lot of opportunities to talk to her I just can’t.Ive only ever talked to her once(by myself) to ask her where someone else was and that was still a very quick conversation.She goes silent whenever I’m near or just doesn’t talk to me whenever we’re in a group conversation.Ive started trying to be more confident whenever I’m around her by talking more(not to her but people around her).I feel like if I didn’t ruin my chances last year I would’ve been in a good relationship with her, but now I just feel like it’s too late to do anything.

1 comment
  1. What’s going be your biggest regret in a few years time.

    You didn’t speak to her and then she ends up dating someone and you always have the what if.

    Or you spoke to her and blew it.

    I can guarantee it be the former. Because with the latter you can also console yourself that you gave it a go and it just was not meant to be

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