A lot of girls nowadays are flaky, indirect, put low effort in conversation and expects me to entertain them while barely putting effort in maintaining conversation with them.

A week ago I had a girl who i was certain interested in me , she has been staring at me, playing with her hair when near me and get touchy. I asked her out 5 days ago , she said yes but after that day she barely replies, she says she’s busy and avoids the topic altogether when I met her. I feel she already had another load of men lining up for her (to which is normal for women) and found a better candidate than me, or just that she changed her mind because she just felt like it.

She wasn’t the first girl who did something like this to me, so ignoring her was easy. I ignored her for couple of days and she began to talk to me like nothing ever happened.

I am kinda left bitter and sad. I am afraid i am not going to give other women the time of day if they themselves make it clear that they like me to my face otherwise they are just timewasters.

  1. Women are usually flaky, indirect and put low effort if they aren’t interested. Same with saying “yes” to going out but never actually making any effort to do it: she just wasn’t interested in you. So it doesn’t sound like she like she changed her minds, more like she never wanted it in first place. Also your argument of why you think she was interested is shaky at best. And before you ask, there are a lot of reasons why one might say “yes” when they never intend to go through with it: not being good at saying no or being afraid of confrontation, cause some people can and will react extremely aggressively.

  2. I’ve been through actually a very accurate similar situation, your post intrigued me, from what I learned, the girl I used to talk to was never interested in me, she would flirt, show some interests and when I asked her out, she said yes but then when the date was coming up, she completely ghosted me, so in the end I learned a couple things, she was never interested in me, she just loved the ego booster, the attention and I wasted my time, in the end I blocked her and in return she blocked me 🤷‍♂️don’t be sad or bitter see this as a opportunity to learn from this situation, I’m still kinda getting over my situation because I actually thought I really connected with her and had something with her but least I know it was all bull shit and I’m glad it ended, be strong man and keep your head up king

  3. sometimes people also just have other shit going on in their life than talking to a guy. maybe she wasn’t interested, but maybe she was and she started to go through some stuff?

    i know that’s happened to me before.

    also it could be that she stopped liking you after talking. idk why.. sometimes that happens too.

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