How do you deal with your insecurities?

  1. The same way I would deal with another friend’s insecurities.

    I would be realistic and honest, I would notice where insecurities weren’t based in truth and would offer kindness, support and reassurance.

    I would point out a few of the many things I have to be proud and grateful for and give myself a boosting talk. And maybe a big hug too.

  2. Of course this is totally subjective: My insecurities were mostly either the product of my imagination or they were caused by the expectations imposed upon me by the society.

    I dealt with the former by acknowledging it and embracing the fact that even if there are concrete reasons for them I can very well work on them and improve myself in every aspect. About the latter, I simply stopped giving a damn over the years.

    Today I can say that I’m a pretty confident woman.

  3. It depends, but most of my insecurities is something i don’t want to or can’t change.

    Some ways i cope is looking back at insecurities i had once, that i love now, like my freckles, and big thighs.

    Also not spending your energy on them. When i feel wery insecure i quickly distract myself so i don’t begin spiralling, and when i’m confident i really listen to the nice things i tell myself.

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