What was your experience like being in an interracial relationship?

  1. I dated an Korean girl…well…she was half. Her mom was Korean and dad was white. The weirdest thing is that I’m pretty sure her mom didn’t like that I was white 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. Same as dating girls my own race. Every single one is completely different person with completely different personalities.

  3. Black man married to a white woman. It has not even remotely been an issue in our relationship or even something that we’ve ever really talked about that I can remember.

  4. I’m the outlier where I live so most of my relationships have been interracial.

    Obviously none of my partners have had a problem with it, but I’d say all but one set of parents that I met had something to say about it when I wasn’t around. Fortunately they also ended up liking me pretty quickly so it never became an issue.

    My wife’s parents didn’t dislike me but due to a difference in racial and religious makeup they didn’t really like the idea of us getting married when I did the traditional thing and asked the first time…they weren’t mean about it, they just laid out their concerns and said that they wouldn’t stand in the way, but they wouldn’t give their blessing either. Not wanting to cause my very traditional girlfriend any issues I let the matter drop.

    Fast forward another couple of years and I hit them up again after they really got to know me (and I’d been there for the family through some shit) and their response was “we were hoping you’d ask again. Absolutely do it.”

    In fairness…I was going to propose that weekend either way…but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try one more time to get the whole family on board before I went and caused some drama. 🙂

  5. I get people telling me I’m racist whenever I post anything remotely conservative online..and when I tell them I married and procreated with a black woman….apparently I’m a white supremacist because i want to own my wife and children? I dunno how liberals work. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  6. Forget interracial. In my country even interstate can be an issue. Luckily people from other states are fine with my state.

  7. I enjoyed the Relationship but hate the racism that comes with it, so tend to now date within my race.

  8. It is the best relationship I have ever had. I cannot think of one time we have faced an issue related to it in the past 10 years. It probably helps that I am white and my wife is Asian. As opposed to some other combinations.

  9. All have been fine apart from one, where her aunt advised her to not stay with me as I’d inevitably get her pregnant and “no one would want to adopt a caramel coloured baby”, followed by her mum having to hold the two back from each other.

  10. It was the first time I’ve experienced racism as a white man and it fucking sucked. Especially because it came from within my own family

  11. I’m Asian and she’s white.

    My mom was like, “You can date her, but you can’t marry her.” Her parents were fine with it until they realized we were getting serious. Then her family went nuclear made me out to be a controlling man that will abuse and breed her. After a few years, everyone stopped being so dramatic about it, but the damage was done.

    I know how everyone feels deep down and my partner is forever traumatized by the events that took place. Everyone is cordial, but I no longer imagine a bright and happy future. Just kind of taking it day by day.

  12. It was fun! And not for the gross fetishization of certain races reasons. It was just enjoyable learning about someone’s life that had significantly different cultural influences.

    I wouldn’t claim to have a specific type, but after dating exclusively white women for almost 20 years, dating someone of color was a welcome difference.

    And ethnic food, from her grandmother’s original recipes? Can’t be beat!

    (For context, that woman was Malaysian)

  13. I got a lot of “those immigrants” “those [insert minority group here]” followed immediately with “but not you dear, we all know you’re one of the good ones.”

    Edit: not from my then partner. Her parents, but almost always her mom and aunts.

  14. I never had a problem with family, but I did get asked to step out if my vehicle when we were pulled over and he (the cop) asked if I was okay. I’m a small lady and back then looked much younger than I was, and he was a very large man that looked very much the age he was. I’d like to think it wasn’t about race, but it never happened with any of the white men I dated so it’s hard to assume it wasn’t.

  15. Been with a few Latino girls, some obvious culture differences but otherwise pretty good.

  16. I’m a Pakistani American married to an Indonesian. Basically, you have to learn her culture and she learns yours. You learn to know what her food is and how to be polite to her people, whilst she learns to be polite to your people.

    It’s an educational experience on both sides and if done properly, pretty exciting.

  17. Didnt matter. Im just really good looking. And tall. With a black belt in oral.

  18. I dunno, I’ve never dated someone of my own race. So I don’t really have a baseline. All my relationships have been with a woman of a different ethnicity.

  19. All of my past relationships have been interracial. It’s fine. I would never think about it that way if people didn’t bring it up.

  20. Fantastic. My first real girlfriend when I was 14 was Korean and that was great. I later I fell in love with a Dutch-Indonesian girl and was with her for years. I was also with girls who were Hispanic and Vietnamese. However, I did grow up in the melting pot of Orange County, CA, so I had a lot of opportunities.

  21. Love it. Every meal I eat with her family is a completely different culture than my own. Have had nothing but positive experiences. I like the differences.

  22. It was quite normal, its like i didn’t even notice it. We were just 2 people who liked each other and we got together.

  23. Ummm im japanese… Living in germany… Soooooooo i have to hear alot of weird racism pointed aimed at the chinese from family members…

    But what is interracial even? Judging from porn sites its just black on anything remotely white…

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