Recently tried out dating apps and I realize I have no clue how to talk to someone I don’t know on an app. I’ve got a few matches, but it just feels like an interview of me asking questions trying to find topics. Is this just how these go at the start? Any tips on how to make these conversations less question and answer like?

  1. Just talk. If your matchee has any social skills he or she will reciprocate.

  2. It’s a game..ok first just go hey this here “X”
    Ask her about something if u kn about it too try a joke ,test her out if she has good sense of humor,drive the convo to personal stuff like hey standing here in line watever doing some chores..what u doing at ri8 now kinda stuff..
    Talk to her like for 5 days or a week if she gives good vibes ask her out for brunch or dinner, no lunch..
    Also super imp do not try to flex anything try listening to the other person and check sense of humor, very very important.

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