Like, in the past, there have been times where friends have reached out about things. A breakup. A fight with a parent. Right now, a friend was basically kicked out of her house. And as usual, I’m left with having no idea what to say. “Sorry, that sucks?” That feels so curt and dismissive. I usually try to offer advice, especially when the other person is specifically looking for it, but I’ve been outright told by some people that I wasn’t helpful at all, and especially in a crisis. And oftentimes, they’ll just stop messaging/ responding to me out of nowhere. It sucks.

  1. Sometimes, all you have to do is listen and ask questions. Giving advice can be okay, but not always and not right after. Work your way to it, see what they already have in mind themselves and on that give suggestions rather than advice. Just ask; how can i help you with this.

  2. “What can I do to help?” and “What do you need right now?” are go-to phrases in times of crisis. Then just listen and validate their emotions. “That must have been really tough”/“I’m sorry you had to go through that” sound a million times better than “that sucks.”

  3. Do not worry just give them ice cream,works out every single time..and when they say there problems they do not want u to do anything,rather they just want u to listen..have an active listening face and a worried look and top it off with ice cream ,a hug and I m here for u. Additionally u can also say if u want me to do anything for u I will try to my best limits.

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