If you could travel forwards in time, how many years would you travel ahead, and why?

  1. Time is short enough let alone skipping it! I think travelling back is so much more interesting than forward.

  2. Somewhere between 1000 and 10000. I’m really into scifi so I want to see some wormholes and shit

  3. 20 years to see how my kids are doing and the know which direction in life to push them towards.

  4. About 40 years. I’m quite obsessed on visiting Bozeman, Montans on April 5th, 2063, but with normal passage of time I’d be 74 on that day.

  5. 10000 years. It’s either long enough for our society to become like Star Trek, or long enough for a new society to emerge after we obliterate the current one. Either way it would be interesting to see how it all turned out.

  6. And I can only do it once? Like I can’t visit multiple years and see what I like?

    I think I’m gonna do 5000 years then.

    I want a big number, I don’t wanna arrive in the future and they’ll be like “yeah it’s super exciting, they say teleportation might only be 50 years away”, no I wanna see technology indistinguishable from magic, not it’s infancy.
    But I’m also worried that the farther I go into the future, the more likely it is to be horrible beyond comprehemsion. I could arrive after the robot uprising, or after everyone hiding underground after the surface has been made unlivable or whatever.

    That can happen in 5000 years too of course, but I feel like a couple thousand years is a sweet spot between chance of wonderland and chance horror show.

  7. Like 400 years. I think by then we’ll be functionally immortal given the progression of medical science.

  8. 1000 years ago the world was wholly different, I just want to see if we go backwards, forwards or maintain in the future.

  9. I would be more interested in travelling back then forward as I have a passionate interest in history. Saying that it would be interesting to see how far technology goes.

  10. I would travel ahead an infinite number of years thus creating a new dimension of space-time.

  11. probably a few million years, i want to see how advance humanity becomes and what else is there in the universe.

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