Throw your ideas but be kind please :’)

  1. go to a concert or a nightclub by yourself or a dj show is better.

    being serious. this is how i conquered social anxiety. its dark its loud, a lot of people are standing around by themselves, people are fucked up. You can just hide in the crowd, wear dark clothes nothing too sexy

    i was standing there, drinking too much, dripping sweat from nervousness. I realized that no one cares about me, or what im doing, they cant even see me properly. Most people are too self involved trying to get the perfect instagram photo, some are trying to get more cocaine, some are just dancing feeling the music, and some are looking for a date. And basically if you are not part of their current narrative you may as well be a chair

    think about how many people you see everyday that dont even register in your consciousness, we just dont have the cognitive capacity to be thinking about everybody in the room, we are all running our own stories all the time

    i practiced just standing there, taking up space, i am allowed to exist like anybody else. Eventually my goal was to talk to one person, just anybody, and then i could leave. then 2 people. then stay for 20 mins longer.

    now years later, i can take over the group campfire conversation anytime i want, because it is easier than the nightclub lol

  2. Go to a coffee shop by yourself and sit for a while. Read or draw or whatever you like doing for fun or as a hobby. Perhaps go to a brewery and sit at the bar and if someone strikes up a conversation, go for it! Maybe look for an outdoor yoga class in your area.

  3. I also want to add that it’s awesome that you’re challenging yourself! I am being sincere in saying that’s fantastic! Go you!

  4. Go to a coffee shop and make conversation with a person sitting next to you! Make sure it’s someone who doesn’t seem to be busy

  5. Cook your own food and it can’t be a ready-made meal. You have to buy the ingredients, follow a recipe and eat it. it’s better if you have to prep it for someone but at least you do something you have to work for and you need to buy something that you might not be used to.

    Maybe you’re used to cooking your own food but it’s a bigger step than some might think.

  6. Former introvert here.


    Whenever you go out and pass by people / interact with someone, give them a little compliment about something you actually find cool/interesting.

    Your subconscious mind will start associating socialization with the positivity you’ll receive in return for giving a compliment and thus you will start being more confident and at ease in social situations 🙂

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