Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to say “thank you so much” to all people who replied to my last post named “Lack of social skills ruined my life”.
Honestly I didn’t expect so much comments and upvotes, again thank you guys 🙂

I’m excusing in advance if this is not the right group to ask something like that (suggestions are welcome).

Having said that, I would like to ask you some suggestions about my situation.

So, my job is really awesome: Almost zero stress, very nice colleagues, lots of free time, and we also use the office during nighttime to play games, instruments, and many other “unusual” things you normally don’t see in an office.
I’ve had 3 jobs before It, and none of them was even similar to this. Also I have a permanent contract , which leads to better financial security.

Nice things end here because my life after work sucks, and here’s why I sometimes I make desperate posts on Reddit:

\-I do not like my city, my dream would be to live in a sea city. Also It’s very busy and full of traffic.

\-My social life is not good: I have social problems, sure, but I’m noticing that when I’m on holidays or in another city my mood changes completely and I can socialize much, much easier. And of course I do not need drugs to be happy 🙂
Currently I see my friends like 2/3 times a month if It goes good

\-Just the idea of living somewhere else melts my depression 🙂

\-I live with my parents but have very bad relationship with them: My mother, after changing her partner, totally changed, she’s always out and almost ignores me and the house.
My father is the opposite: Always stressed out for everything, including stupid reasons.

However, when I think about my job It makes things more difficuilt: I cannot stand my life out of work, but I love my job. The idea of losing It would make me unhappy.
At the moment, there are no possibilities of doing my Job remotely. I can get stressed very easily so the idea of chosing a new job where there is lots of stress, bad colleagues and who knows what scares me.

It’s also true I cannot stand my life out of work anymore, 90% times I’m depressed and now I start to understand the reason why I’ve never had a GF, I do binge eating, and took “performance-enhancing” drugs.
I’ve never been motivated to act differently. Now I see my city, my house and everything as something incredibly bad.

I will talk to this with my friends next time I see them and also with my therapist next time I see her.

Do you guys have some advice? I’ve just discovered how all my bad habits are extremely connected and also the root cause after just 3 times of therapy, and that’s nice.

Please note I have some hobbies: Programming, Travelling, Gaming, DJing, Music, and lockpicking (Joking 😀 But sometimes I do this for fun at home).

Have a nice day and sorry for long post.

1 comment
  1. Stay at the job, move out of your parents. Don’t you consider the nights you stay at the office doing the “unusual” things to be a hang out with peers? Regardless you might think a change of scene would help but it probably won’t. I have 2 friends that were in this exact predicament both moved and job jumped landed on like the 4th one and are still miserable (miss the old job they loved)

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