There is a women that goes to my gym who i find very attractive but i am to anxious to approach her. I don’t know what i would talk about if i did approach her and I’m nervous of seeming awkward or getting rejected because i would see her at my gym all the time after. Is approaching women at the gym a good idea to begin with? I obviously know to wait for an opportunity where she isin’t busy but i just feel like I wouldn’t know how to approach it. Friends of mine always say “just make eye contact with her and smile, if she smiles back then thats a good sign and you should approach her”. I’ve tried with this woman and others before to make eye contact but they either don’t even notice, or if they do and make eye contact back they either look away quick or don’t smile at all. I want to learn to approach women and have better game because i feel like the only way i can meet women is through dating apps and i’m tired of it. Any advice about this specific situation or just approaching women in general?

  1. Probably do it when she’s leaving bro. I don’t think that’s what they’re looking for necessarily on leg day. I’m just saying.

  2. I feel like this is kinda hard because it usually comes off creepy. But in my experience, guys that were nearby would unrack my weights for me or offer and then after come talk to me and introduce themselves. I don’t think it was a bad approach because I wasn’t really weirded out.

  3. If she’s looking away from eye contact she does not want to be approached in that setting. End of story.

  4. You could also try and ask her to spot you, if she is exercising in the same area of the gym. I think a “Hey, do you mind helping me here for a minute?” does not come of as creepy in that setting. After that just thank her, introduce yourself and ask for her name. You might be in a normal conversation at that point or you got to “know” a little bit about her and the other way around, which can lead to small talk in the future.

  5. The gym isn’t a place to find a date by default, so if it feels like you have to force the situation and come off as a creep, it’s a severe risk and you’re better off not trying.

    You didn’t lose. The gym is a place to work out. This is the default result.

  6. Ask her to spot for you. Then you have a good excuse to start a brief conversation to build familiarity. Build off of that the next time you see her.

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