Is it really weird that I (31m) love kissing and even tongue action but feel compelled to swallow when I see any dripping fluids? I’m super curious about what exactly is attractive about that. Is my aversion to seeing fluids common? Even writing about it is making me want to swallow.
For background, I didn’t have partnered sex till I was 27.

  1. I am all for more fluids rather than less. The wetter the better! It’s arousing for me. More lube. More dripping pussy. More sloppy blowjobs, more more more.

    I guess we are opposites!

  2. The expulsion of fluids is a big part of sex and for me a big arousal factor. In porn it is exaggerated to an unrealistic level which to me makes porn a turn off.

  3. I had an EX yell at me for getting sweaty during sex, that’s a problem. House has no central AC , i’m large male + intense sex, unavoidable.

    Not being a big fan of fluid everywhere is just preference nothing wrong with that.

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