Fiance isnt working and she wants a place to stay while she finds a new job and build up savings. I want to help her and I my goal next year is to move out of bay area to more affordable housing in a year and I think this would help us since its too expensive for me to live alone out here so my mom said she would charge her $300/mo to share my room.

We both will be working during the day so we’ll only see each other at night and weekends. My mom is skeptic about it. Shes asking me if its really gonna work. But I think she’s always being negative about everything. The worst thing I think could happen is my mom might treat her like a child and not a tenant but that’s on her. That would burn bridges with my mom since I will side with my Fiance.

I also feel like this would make our future even more sweeter when we can compare living with her to when we reach our goal to living in our own place together. What else do you think will be bad having her moving in?

TLDR: What issues and problems should I look out for if Fiance and I move in moms house for a year or less until we can move out of bay area into our own place together after we build up our savings by saving on monthly rent

  1. Your mom doesn’t want to have a tenant.
    Don’t move your girlfriend in.

    Your mom is trying to be nice so she says your girlfriend can move in but you are seeing issues before it even happens.

    This is not a good idea.

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