My friend and I were wondering about it. Shes 5′ 1″, I’m 6′ 1″. She always asks if I give guys a head up that I’m tall as hell – I always say “well I have my height on my profile” but she seems to think that guys don’t check that. I’ve def had some meet ups with matches where I got the feeling they didn’t realize I’d be so tall (oh man, have caught so many guys lying about their height!!). Wondering if guys check height info or not usually?

  1. I check it but I don’t usually care about it (assuming it’s just casual).

  2. I’m 6’6”, so I never had a hang up about height. I’ve dated chicks anywhere from 5’2” to 6’0”

  3. I think the general consensus is that shorter men do while taller men don’t. I unfortunately fall under the former

  4. I always read the profile, so if the information is there, then yes I’ll check it. I’m 5’5” but I’m very secure in my height and I like short and tall girls equally, so it doesn’t matter to me either way.

  5. Yeah I do. Although usually most of my matches are either very short compared to me like 5’0 or more average height like 5’5 ish so I’ve never had that “shock” of finding out she’s 6’1 or something

    I’m 6’2 myself

  6. Well I am not saying I never looked it up, but usually I don’t care unless she is too tall.

  7. Not really but I usually glance at their bio if I don’t read the full thing so I usually notice. I’m not looking for it because I’m tall and 99 percent of women on there are shorter than me.

  8. I don’t care about it but women always mention it. I always figured it was to say, “You have to be taller than this.”

  9. I’m short. I check before swiping but if they match me they’ve already said my height isn’t a problem.

  10. I’m 6’2″…I’m a huge fan of hot high heels on women so 5’9″ is my cutoff.

    Anything 5’10+ and I just start to feel like they are too “manly” for my liking. I’m more attracted to petite and feminine.

  11. No. I have never cared about height. I’ve dated both tall and short. My GF right now is 5’ and I’m 6’.

    Height has never been anything that crossed my mind.

  12. I don’t check to match but once we do I check. That’s real tall though lol I dated a chick who was 5’11” and I’m like 5’8”. It’s not a dealbreaker but I usually wouldn’t waste my time until she knew I was shorter than her before the date

    I generally just don’t even try or match with someone taller. But usually I match just on looks and figure out from there

  13. I might notice it as a consequence of reading your profile but it’s not really something I consider. There are other traits far more important to worry about.

  14. I don’t usually unless it’s explicit in their bio and even then i don’t scan for it.

  15. Not normally. If she’s clearly really fucking tall or really fucking short in her pictures, I might check just to see out of curiosity, but being above or below a particular height isn’t a requirement for me.

    If I was actively looking for short women, well, there’d be no point because that’s just most women.

    If I was actively looking for a tall woman, well, I’d have an even shittier time than men usually do with OLD, just because, like, less than 1% of the female population is over 5’10”.

  16. Yes, I pay attention to every single detail. Women definitely lie about their height (*and* their weight).

  17. In my experience with online dating guys don’t. I’m also a 6ft woman and I have had quite a few dates where the guy was upset to find that I am taller than him. It sucks and there are always people who focus on the physical because it’s such an impersonal way to meet people.

  18. Yes, and I’d avoid those who were more than a foot shorter than me, cuz it just feels weird

  19. I’ll glance at it. At 6’4″ looking a woman in the eye with a level head is a novelty. Little shorties are a thing for me too

  20. I’m 6’4″, so I don’t have to “worry” about people being taller than I am, so I’d be very surprised if someone taller than me shows up but also get over it quickly.

    If I were you and you see you’re significantly taller than the guy you’re about to go on a date with, then I’d nonchalantly drop “hey, just that you know I’m 6’1″”, the reaction alone can tell you more about them than the conversations leading to the date

  21. No. I don’t care about the height of a woman as long as she doesn’t have dwarfism or gigantism.

  22. It’s not a thing here, so I don’t even bother writing it in the bio, even though I’m kinda average. Also, I don’t care about hers.

  23. I read profiles. If she’s mentioned it, then it’s taken on board and if it’s not mentioned, then fine. Height is not a deal-breaker for me – I look for other things.

    I always figured that if a woman has her height in her profile that she’s adopted it from looking at guys’ profiles, where it has become more common… because women online seem obsessed with guys being over 6′

    I don’t have my height on my profile. I’m 6′ 1″

  24. I’m average height and I definitely didn’t when I had it. So long as she actually the age she claims is and actually looked like she does in her photo I’m happy. Only way I would have cared was if she was like hella tall like 7’12” because my car is not built for her and I don’t want her to be uncomfortable ya know

  25. Honestly i really dont care + i like long legs. But i always check because most girls dont want to be longer than a man. so with only a few swipes a day, im not gambling on a longer girl unless she puts specifically she doesnt mind height. im 1,83m.

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