What seems like a bigger deal online than in real life?

  1. Threats… they seem so real until you realize it was most likely some angry 12 year old…. And an angry little kid threatening me in real life. That’s a funny thought.

  2. Celebrity drama lol

    For example, Kanye and Kim having beef. It’s only such a big deal because they are 2 huge celebrities with huge online followings. In real life, it’s no different that 2 parents who divorced each other and now resent each other.

  3. Star Wars. I’ve never heard a person talk about Star Wars in real life. The fact that I’m European might have something to do with it.

  4. Man vs Woman culture war bullshit. People write endless paragraphs about it online.

    IRL, I just hang out with people and say or do whatever comes naturally to mind. Leave agonizing over splitting checks and getting arrested over complimenting women for the nerds on reddit.

  5. The Gender Wars. Going from all the vitriol online, you’d think there was an on-going war in the streets between men and women over who’s going to be the ruling sex of the planet and who’s going to be the subservient sex.

    In real life tho, (normal) men and (normal) women alike are just tryna make it to the next day without having to go through too much bullshit and hoping they meet someone they vibe with and can build something with.

  6. Politics

    Due to how online media works, it only highlights the extremist ideology from both sides.

  7. Everything.

    People pretend that whatever topic they’re discussing at the time is THE most important. And that their opinion on the matter is the reigning one.

  8. Politics and differences.

    Real life

    Real life friend: “I’m a Democrat.”

    Me: “I’m independent.”

    Him: “cool, let’s go get a beer.”

    Me: “I like whiskey more.”

    Him: “buy me a beer, I buy you a whiskey. Done deal.”


    “You have a slight difference to me and my beliefs. Oh my god, you are literally worse than literally Hitler literally and you don’t know shit about drinking you fucking moron. You better hope I don’t find you.”

  9. The media tends to over cook just about everything these days. For me it’s the whole racism explosion recently. Racism didn’t just show up in 2016. It’s been here for a while, and while I think it’s still out there. I don’t experience it in my daily life the way the media would have us believe.

    And yes I am a person of color.

  10. Literally everything.

    The internet seems to be mostly inhabited by sad, bitter losers with no social life.

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