I’ve (F25) been seeing this guy (M26) for about a month and we’ve been on a total of 4 dates. We haven’t been physical at all, and that’s due to both of us being nervous to make the first move. We’ve discussed this about three times now and so I’m hoping the next time I see him we at least hold hands lol.

The issue I’m facing is that although I find him physically attractive, the thought of being intimate turns me off. I can’t figure out why though. He’s physically my type, he’s funny, we get along well, so what gives?

Do I need to give it more time and wait until we’ve at least kissed to decide if I truly like him?

  1. Could be a shower situation – don’t wanna do it/put in the effort but when you get there you never wanna leave- or it could be your gut telling you somethings off. If the kids doesn’t tell you anything then just walk away while it’s early

  2. I would wait till you’ve kissed, kissing is a powerful thing that can help see if there’s actual sexual attraction rather than just physical attraction

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