Women who’ve had bad experiences with haircuts, how did you get over your fear and decide to chop your damaged hair?

  1. I don’t think of this as a fearful experience… I mean, I *have* converted my hair into an orange haystack at least once, and I don’t want an orange haystack on my head, so off it came. It grows back.

  2. I don’t. I use scrunchies, hair clips, or headbands so I won’t cut my own hair and make it worse.

  3. You book an appointment at a salon with good reviews, when you’re doing your consult with your stylist you tell them about your previous bad experience and ask them to verify the length you’re looking to end up with. Like most things in life, communication is key here. Also, other commenters are right, remind yourself it will grow back

  4. Okay, here’s my story. I went to a hairdresser aged 16 when I had trichtillomania (hair-pulling compulsion) and shorter hair. She basically tore into me about how my hair sucked, it had no decent cut so her job was harder. As a teenager I really felt those insulted me and I told my mom I didn’t want to go to a hairdresser for a few years. I grew my hair out, dyed at home using box dyes and basically did this for years. Then in my twenties I started to dye my hair with henna, which helped my hair become stronger and I was also able to beat my trich (to an extent, I still get the compulsion, I just don’t follow it through anymore).

    So later in my twenties I finally went to the hairdresser, having really long hair that was mostly healthy (I had trimmed the ends myself). She turned out to be a much friendlier, better hairdresser. I told her about my trauma and she was very understanding. Now I go to the hairdresser a few times a year.

  5. It’s going to grow back. Go to a different hairdresser and get it cut longer the next time so if it gets messed up, it’s easier to fix.

  6. I only get my hair cut maybe once a year now because I don’t feel like dealing with it lol

  7. Do you want long hair or do you want beautiful hair?

    Chop that damn straw off and get a haircut that fits you and looks healthy.

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