So since I was a kid I couldn’t recognize sarcasm at all. When someone would tell me something I’d take it at face value and literally. My friends laugh a lot about it bc of it.

Imagine Draxx from guardians of the galaxy (but with more of a sense of humor)

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a funny guy and confident in who I am. I’m usually the life of a party and live cracking jokes. My friends love having me around But In order to recognize sarcasm if there are clear signs (smiling, a huge change in their tone when they speak, laughing or they tell me they’re joking) otherwise I just take it at face value

At first it really messed with my dating world bc in order for me to know if they were being serious I’d ask questions or request more detail in what they were saying. Also a lot of people treat sarcasm as a personality trait …but I realized once I owned my flaw and flat out told the women I’m seeing that I struggle with sarcasm; my dating life has actually erupted (I’ve had 3-5 dates a week) bc they never have to worry about my intentions bc I keep everything upfront 😂

Also, no one im dating worries about me being passive aggressive since sarcasm is a form of passive aggression. Which actually helps them feel safer around

I say what I think, what I want and what I’m looking for while still having fun and keeping things lighthearted.

Moral of the story: there’s nothing “wrong” with you but you gotta learn to own your shit and find the positive in your weaknesses

Hope this helps

Ps: I’m considering getting evaulated for autism or ADHD.

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