Women subjected to intentional emotional abuse that went to court, what process did you have to go through?

  1. Whatever your litigation, always document your evidence: phone calls, emails, texts, pictures, witnesses, etc. You need to be able to prove the abuse or there’s little chance of anything coming from it. For certain types of abuse (negligent/intentional infliction of emotional distress) you usually need to prove that the emotional abuse caused a physical effect (vomiting, some sort of “injury” created by stress, etc).

  2. So my mom went through this with my dad and she started taking journal entries down when things would happen to provide evidence. Start documenting everything and don’t let them find it. It’s not really easy to prove but she built up a lot of evidence + there was physical abuse too. My dad years later took her to court over custody battles over me. It was exhausting.

  3. I know a person who went through this. She contacted everyone the man had interactions with that she knew of and tried to get people on her side to testify and such. It was more headache for them than it was worth, and they didn’t want to permanently burn that bridge, even with people who agreed with her and has person experience with the individual she was suing.

    She aired a lot of dirty laundry and I don’t know that it was worth it.

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