So recently I moved to a mountain town and have been hired on at a new job. Basically, I’m usually okay with being alone, but man, I have been feeling incredibly lonely since moving here. I feel a lot more at peace up here at the same time, so it’s a peculiar situation emotionally.

I find myself wishing I had someone to enjoy things with/go hiking (I go alone, but I always take something to defend myself with- I often think it would be a bit more relaxing if I had backup)/camping/go check out cool stuff in the area. Also wish for someone who I can cuddle with and talk to at the end of the day. I am turning very sentimental and it seems like the worst place to be sentimental.

I wasn’t any good at dating (as in, I was too much of a wuss to actually try) when I lived in a highly populated area – and I find myself pretty much in a dating desert here where most people are married. I’m not a fan of hanging out at bars, honestly… I have been toying with the idea of finding hiking groups in the area. I know that’s not “dating” but at least it’d be a way of making friends.

Any suggestions on how to date in a remote area? Or should I just get used to living alone up here?

  1. As you know there is really not much of a ‘dating pool’ when it comes to rural areas. I have a home in a northern area where the closest market is literally 90 minute drive other than a gas station. Im between 2 towns, one has 128 people and the other has 750 people…They are 25 miles apart…the closest town with any real population is 90 miles (10,000 people)…so dating is near impossible.

    My suggestion, go rescue a dog or two…they make GREAT companions, will hike and cuddle with you.

  2. damn! Remote mountain life sounds so refreshing to me. It’s a pity you don’t have a companion to enjoy the beautiful nature with you

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