So I have this friend that I find I have a strange attachment towards and I’m not sure why. He often pops into my mind multiple times a day when something even remotely reminds me of him, or maybe it doesn’t at all. Whenever I want to share something exciting or talk about something frustrating, he’s often the first person that comes to mind. I’ve been realizing that when I’m talking with my friends, I’ll sometimes mention him out of the blue (ex. “Yeah, true, that’s what I’ve been thinking about (my friend)…”). I’m wondering where all these feelings may be pointing, and I know that the obvious answer is that I, “like” or, “love” him, but I don’t feel nervous around him. I feel very comfortable, like I can be myself without much restraint. I know that there’s some sort of attachment at play here but I’m not sure what it is and I don’t think it’s romantic.

  1. I would not be so sure about what you don’t think it’s about. The way you described the effortlessness is exactly how I knew my wife was the right person, exactly.

  2. I agree with everything said here. It’s probably that you love him, whether romantic or not. Time isn’t something that determines love or how much you can love someone. You can love someone you’ve known for a couple of months more than someone you’ve known for years. You can sometimes click better with a person you’ve known for a couple of minutes than with someone you’ve been trying to click with for weeks. It’s a funny thing, but yeah, you’ve definitely formed an emotional bond with this person.

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