I’m looking for suggestions. I’m very interested in people Graham Hancock and Steven Greer but I’ll watch pretty much anything thought provoking or mind blowing.

  1. I’m not one for documentaries but my grandpa was talking about a documentary on Elon Musk that he said was really good.

  2. “The Social Dilemma” is very relevant, and covers maybe the most important topic of our generation

    If you’re a math/stats nerd at all, Jon Bois has made a couple 3+ hour long docs on youtube…he writes about sports, but he covers stories that don’t require being a sports fan to be invested. He’s incredible and you WILL be invested. The Mariners supercut is absolutely amazing, though it is somewhere between 3 and 4 hours

  3. I tend to like crime and murder documentaries mostly, but my two absolute favorites I recommend to everyone are Dear Zachary and The Imposter. Some others I highly recommend are Boy Interrupted, Making a Murderer, Don’t Fuck With Cats, How to Fix a Drug Scandal, Evil Genius, Blackfish, and The Inventor!

  4. Path of Blood.

    I genuinely thought it was a black comedy at first and even had to pause it to go check IMDB. It looked like a cross between Four Lions and The Office.

    Nope. It was a genuine documentary about genuine Muslim terrorists.

    Lots of over dramatic, manic shouting while pointing at the sky, idiots blowing themselves up over shit they clearly don’t understand, a suicide truck mission where they run out of gas and forget to bring their wallet, a guy who shoves a bomb up his arsehole for an assassination mission who blows himself into a red mist harming nobody else in the room and leaving his arm hanging out of a hole in the ceiling.

    It’s was fucking crazy.

  5. Command and Control is an actual edge of your seat documentary.

    Also, I just watched Downfall on Netflix, about Boeing’s gross negligence on the 737 Max MCAS failures that resulted in 2 brand new jets crashing and killing people in Indonesia and Africa. Boeing basically played the race guard and said the pilots were dumb. It’s absolutely fucking horrific.

    Stealing credit for a post below, anything Ken Burns. “Vietnam” is crazy. Made me empathize with the Viet Cong. Also saw the human side of them and the fact that soldiers on both sides hated war, brown people and mostly white people are mostly the same. Amazing, but tragic.

  6. How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World, two parts three hours total. Full transcript with sources linked throughout also right there.


    >Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them? And what are they planning to do with that power in a post-carbon world? This is the remarkable true story of the oiligarchs and the world they have created.

    Also, not a documentary but if people like Stephen Greer and that topic interests you, I highly suggest this book if you want answers.


  7. *Marjoe*

    Crew follows this guy who was a child prodigy revival preacher. He stopped believing in it and dropped out and joined the hippie scene. Then he ran out of money and went back on the revival circuit, but took along a film crew to document it.

    There’s an awesome scene where he’s in the hotel room with his hippie film crew, explaining how it works, in terms they will understand. He explains how these people don’t drink or do drugs, they don’t engage in sex before marriage, etc. They need to “get off” like everybody and this is how they do it. What the preacher does is help them get off. They experience a wild trip and come out feeling purged and free on the other side. This is their drug. But like all drugs, it wears off and they have to keep coming back for more, and that’s how the preacher makes his money. That’s it in a nutshell…haven’t watched it in years so I’m paraphrasing the hell out of it.

  8. I forgot what it was called but one where a woman dresses up like a man for a while and becomes extremely depressed because of it.

  9. Touching the void. Amazing recount of a surviving a disastrous storm on Mount Everest.

  10. Dear Jonathan. I won’t spoil it for anyone but it takes a hilarious turn towards the end.

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