How would you want a woman to ask you to be friends?

  1. Just start talking to me. That’s how you become friends.🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. Would you hesitate to ask a guy to be friends? Women are people too, just hang out with them.

  3. I don’t have female friends, any man shouldn’t because it only leads to one thing usually and that’s the friendzone.

  4. Planned approach isn’t really necessary and it sends the wrong message. Interact with them like you would interact with any random girl you wanna be friends with. Just start talking to them about stuff and if you both of you don’t try to flirt then it’s assumed that you’re just friends anyways.

  5. I guess just ask? Unsure what you’re looking for. I can’t remember the last time anyone asked to be my friend.

    Friendships kinda just happen.

  6. “Wow, you like *____*? Me too! What about *____*? Oh my gosh, we should hang out and play *_____*, and talk about our favorite parts of *____* one of these days!”

  7. I think it would be best if it happened naturally or organically. I’ve never had a conversation where one of us (either one) asked to be friends. We became friends or we didn’t.

  8. Not something that you really ask, it’s something that happens kind of naturally – typically by virtue of meeting someone and just having something in common (or you just like them because they’re easy to talk to). It’d be odd to just go up to people and say “Do you want to be friends?” That’s not creepy or anything.


    As to female friends, don’t really have any outside of my wife. One is generally enough, though I certainly wouldn’t reject a female who I hung out with at my local hobby store and was into Warhammer (you just don’t see very many of them). Same way with women who’re sports fans.

  9. Just ask to hang while explicitly stating that it’s platonic.

    “Hey, do you want to maybe hang out? I don’t want to lead you on and make you think it’s a date or anything, but I think you’re cool and was hoping we could be friends or something. It’s fine if you don’t want to tho.”

    Relatively short, clear, and gives him an out.

  10. We don’t feel urges to get to know people better just because we think they are interesting… So this will always come across as weird to us. It’s simply not how we think.

    We get to know people that are associated with the activities and topics we like… And we bond over those topics. Thats why we can make friends so quickly with strangers we are working on a project with… But trying to get to know us without a reason is difficult.

    Find a topic or common interest… Then say, “we should go do that.” To us, we are always there for the topic…. And the person is making the topic more enjoyable.

    Guys usually only break this bonding method for pursuing a mate… In that case, she IS the topic. This means that if a guy ever just wants to get to know you… He is looking for a mate. If you ever just want to get to know him… He will assume you are looking for a mate. Otherwise he will just try to find people that conveniently want to do a similar activity.

  11. “Hi my name is [blank] do you want to be my friend?” I would then ask probably while laughing “Sure but first, who are you and why do you want to be my friend?”. Do you have specific guy in mind OP?

  12. Anything other than “want to be my FWB?” will end with me saying, “no thanks.”

  13. friends? LOL you tell the funniest jokes… i got more than enough friends.

  14. Asking me to be your friend is guaranteed to cause me to not want to be your friend. I’ve never made a close friend that way. I’ve temporarily become friends with very needy, strange, over-bearing women that way though.

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