so there is this girl it want to talk, i make plans and stuff so its easier for me, but everytime i see her makes me think, that my things and plans and all those stuff, are nothing, and that seeing her doing important stuff with her friends it just discourages me, and makes me think that im just selfish and a creep

i dont know how what to do about this

  1. Hey [friends], hey [girl’s name], everyone alright? [Girl’s name], can I talk to you for a minute?

    And take her away from her friends (if she says yes), then say what you need to, then leave.

    If she says no, then you know where you both stand. I hope this helps!

  2. Never approach a girl while in a group. Approach her one on one. What plans do you want to propose to her? If she is as popular as you suggest, you should be equipped with enticing plans. Don’t go to her with no good ideas or plans to suggest since you know she is busy and popular. It will have to be something worth her while

  3. Ask her, if she wants to join you in doing x rather than asking her, if she wants to do x with you. It creates next to no pressure and if she declines it’s not a big deal.

    I do this all the time, however I will just do it anyways. it’s their loss, if they don’t tag along.

  4. I was in the same situation exactly 1 year before. I was thinking about talking to a girl. I had the same fears, believed I’d look like a creep and believed I wasn’t anyone special. I took me about half a year to approach her, because I was afraid and because of quarantine. I didn’t workout which really hurt me. Took one fckng year to get over it.(Yup I was too sensitive) What took me so long wasn’t to stop liking her, but trying to stop showing her what I was worth.

    I worked on myself and focused on making my life better. The problem was that I cared about what others thought of me. Careful, I am not telling you to be a douchebag. But don’t take others opinions seriously. Because most of the time with their advice/ judgement, they will try to discourage you. Develop the skill of understanding if someone wants to help you or discourage you.

    I’ve come to realise that when we are attracted to someone, we usually idolise him/her and make scenarios. We forget that they may be rude, bad behaving or just not our type.

    To sum up, you have to approach her. Don’t overthink. The outcome doesn’t really matter. If she likes you that’s awesome. If she doesn’t, so what? The thing is by talking to her, you will gain courage and understand that you are capable of doing things you are afraid of.

    I hope the best my guy! You’ll win either way!

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