I’ve been seeing someone casually for a while. I told him I wanted to hang out more consistently to see if that would lead us to something more serious, but nothing really changed. When I checked in with him a few weeks later, he said he could see this leading to something but it’d probably be a longer term thing since we are both busy people. I said no problem but it’s not for me, I want someone who’s as excited to hang out with me as I am with them. Now I’m not sure if I did the right thing… should I have been more patient?

  1. Hi there. There is nothing wrong with expressing your concerns and needs. Sounds like this guy might be stalling things by giving you a vague response, and the only reason he would do that is that he is not entirely on board with what you asked of him. Patience will do nothing for you. That is like saying you are willing to wait until he changes his mind, which would be a mistake. Good luck!!

  2. Nope you did the right thing. He used classic FWB moves to keep you on the string as long as possible. I would have advised him to do exactly what he did. He knows the game and it worked for a while but you got smart.

  3. Well, there are actually thibgs that are more important than datong, and if he has something that is important to him now and want to finish it in order to focus more on you, then it’s gold that he communicates that.

    But if he keeps you on the hook and just say that he’s busy as an excuse you should stop seeing him.

    So the wuestion is, is he busy?
    Has he said an approximate date when he will have time? Maybe ask that over the phone, you will get a feeling of how much he really want to see you on his reply. If he is vague about when he will have time, maybe move on. If he has concrete descriptions of what he has to do, or if he knows when he will have time, maybe cell him when that time comes.

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