I really don’t know. I’ve been alone for the whole of my entire life. Eating alone, studying alone, walking alone, were all accustomed to me. It was never new. I know it’s fine, but sometimes, I feel the loneliness. I want to try asking to join friend groups, but the constant rejection from previous experiences has left an indelible scar on me. Is there something wrong with me? I really don’t know what it is. I’m good at everything, I think. What’s the problem even? Give me some tips to have at least 1 true friend, yall redditors!

  1. There isn’t anything wrong with you. In fact you’re brave enough to do things on your own where as others don’t have the confident eating by themselves

    I’m a loner too. I don’t force connection. If someone calls to go somewhere or to hangout i’ll go along.

  2. It’s impossible to say with this little context. Likely you’re coming off the wrong way or trying to get into the wrong groups.

    Good tips for getting people to like you is get them to talk about themselves. Don’t worry about what you have to add all the time. Ask people about themselves and show genuine interest in those things they speak about. Find at least one thing in common and build off of that.

    Rejection is a part of life. Reshift your focus….do you really want to be friends with people who don’t want you in their group? If you forced it you may not be a good fit for that group and will find yourself unhappy there.

    Big part of this is getting out of your own head. Resist overthinking.

    Being genuine is important. Faking this stuff will be noticed and is not appealing.

  3. There is a saying that I hope brings hope to your current mindset.

    “Sometimes it’s the people that nobody imagines anything of, who do things that no one can imagine.”
    Be you and don’t give up on you in the process

  4. I’d have to know you to answer this question honestly. There could be little to nothing wrong with you aside from mild social awkwardness. There are so many factors. You could be just a bit weird, or straight up insufferable.

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