This is my whole story so hang on.

(keep in mind im a pretty introverted person)

Both this girl and I are in college in the same class and next to each other. Due to this we’ve been pretty close and we’ve had a close friend group.

One day we decided to go on a sleepover at one of our friend’s house. The thing is we’d watch horror movies on both nights of the sleepover, and we were all in or next to the same couch (the girl and I were next to each other). During the movie we held each other’s hands and were really close to each other, but nothing more. Then we went sleeping and there it begun.

Both mornings have we been keeping our heads REALLY close to each other (our noses and fronts were touching but we were a little shy to make a real move). It then went a little further (we held hands and i slept with my arm around her) but the sweet moments ended as soon as the others woke up (for some reason it had to remain a secret i guess). During the rest of the days we were the casual good friends we were before.

After the sleepover we saw each other twice in the holidays before school retook its course. At school she suddenly was very distant to me, and I’m not exaggerating. We don’t talk anymore like we used to do, she now avoids every possible contact with me, including just looking in my direction. I get the feeling that I’m not even there, whilst literally being next to her. Before the holidays, we kinda were the whole background sound in the class because we talked a lot, but suddenly we became the absolute source of disturbing silence.

After the second day of this being the case I asked her by chat what was going on, and she said she just wanted to focus on an upcoming event she’d go to, but really wished to remain friends as we were close friends.

This has now been going on for three weeks, my mental is on its lowest and i feel like I can’t approach her in any way, not in class, not during pauses nor out of school hours. In terms of online chatting, she kept ghosting me since I confronted her the first days.

If you made it this far, please help me out here because I’ve really been suffering due to the painful memories of the good times before the holidays. I still don’t really know where it went wrong, and noone seems to rly know why she is so distant (none of the friends in my friend group have an answer).

Anyways my moral keeps getting worse and worse and I keep praying every night that it all will be resolved.

(Just so you know: before this happening, I haven’t cried in over 5 years, and it was really hard to see me get emotional. But with this I suddenly became very emotional and started to cry way too often.)

  1. Stop chasing them. They clearly aren’t prioritizing you and it shows in their actions. The more you keep chasing and worrying about them, the more desperate and needy you become, justifying their action to be distant. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead thry gravitate towards somebody who is self confident and well rounded in life. Now is the time to learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with other people on the side. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. The easiest way to get started is to find something you enjoy doing and keep doing it overtime. Chase excellence, not people.

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