Hello, I am a seventy four year old single woman looking for advice. Over the past couple months I have been approached by the same man while running errands. He’s bagged my groceries, helped fix my car, and even dared to hold my hand while we strolled (in public). I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the attention. He makes me feel young again.

My issue is a moral dilemma. Tyrell is twenty two years old, fifty four years my junior. Is this a just relationship?

  1. You are both adults. If you like the attention let him give it. Just be wary of the possibility of him doing it for money

    But age is just a number and he just may love to be with older women. Some people just have that and call it a kink

    Go with the flow

  2. I don’t mean this as a personal attack, but it certainly isn’t a norm and I would be questioning his intentions. Have a conversation with him and see how he sees things and go from there, I guess

  3. Going against everyone else here. That is a big age difference. If it was me I wouldn’t go forward with the relationship.

    You are in very different stages of your life. What does he aspire? What does he want? He is 22 years old, he probably doesn’t know exactly what he wants or if he does he can change in any moment. He isn’t as mature as you, which could be a big problem. Also, his family, do you think they would aprove? Is he close to them?

    To me, having that attention is nice, especially from a younger guy. But I would drop it before anyone gets their feelings hurt.

  4. Do you sense any sexual or romantic feelings from his interactions or just platonic?

  5. Just in case: Tyrell could have nefarious motives with a long term plan. When people pay undue attention in other circumstances it’s referred to as “grooming” the recipient to accept more and more attentions. Many a widow has lost her savings to the sweetest man she ever met.

  6. This story’s chance of being real is as likely as me winning the lottery tomorrow.

  7. I’m not sure I believe this story. But if you’re for real, he’s probably partaking in what I call “grave robbing”. Be careful.

  8. I refuse to believe this is real.Has he asked you to buy him a PS5?

  9. This just happened to my mom (although the man was… much older than 22). It was someone trying to take advantage of her. Be careful and don’t trust him. There’s nothing wrong with flirting and enjoying the attention when you run into each other in public but don’t invite him into your home and do NOT give him ANY money.

  10. i’m going to tell you what no one else will. he is **22**, and you are **74**. he wants **two** things from you.

    – your **pills**

    – your **money**

    watch out lol

  11. Sounds like he could be after something of yours. Is it money, a place to live, someone to financially support him? You can enjoy the attention and if you’re ok with the relationship being transactional that’s okay too, but be careful. Not a lot of 22 year olds approach elder women without ulterior motives.

  12. Crochet pattern posts and commenting “sewing machine for sale in Long Island” on a r/worldnews post about neo-Nazis — nice flourishes in the post history of this medium quality troll account

  13. As far as I’m concerned, as long as you’re both people that are 18 or older, it might be a good relationship or a bad relationship, but it’s all “just.”

  14. I find the comments to be mild to my surprise. Switch the genders and see the hell break loose.

  15. He wants to reel you in with flattery and get into your money. This is common with elder women (maybe men too?)— it’s happened to me too. Just ignore/avoid.

  16. He may have other intentions. For some reason financial fraud or something along those lines popped into my head. Hopefully this isn’t the case but I would definitely have my guard up with a 22 yr old pursuing a 74 year old.

  17. No. If you sleep with him he’s gonna run around telling all his friends and compare himself to the “PS5 secured” meme.

    If you ever think something is too good to be true, believe it.

  18. So a lot of takes here, all that seem to be skipping the idea that maybe this could be a fun fling.

    You have a lot more experience and power than him here so it’s on you to help him/you both set and understand clear boundaries but odds are he wants to try it and if it’s fun for you to get with a 22 year old guy then go nuts imo

  19. Treat him as a grandson, besides he will finally find someone closer to his age, interest, and sexual gratification

  20. Some men are attracted to experienced aged women, however I never dared being physical with one until I was reaching my 30s. Just be aware that he might have bad intentions that he’s kept you in the dark about.

  21. A 22 year old flirting with a 74 year old is 95% likely to want to take advantage, scam them out of money, and general just manipulate them

    NO 22 year old looks at a 74 year and wants to date them- they do not want to date their grandparents or their grandparents friends.

  22. I wouldn’t write him into your will, but at 74 may as well have some fun. Try not to break a hip.

  23. I’ll say go for it. Some men just like dating older women. I dated older women when I was in college I enjoyed it. I wasn’t a cub. I still do find some older women attractive. I date women around my age now. I changed cause last two cheated

  24. No it’s not. Let tyrell go on his merry way. 22 is so young! He has his whole life ahead of him. I understand it’s nice and feels good to have companionship but with someone that young it’s best to remove yourself from him.

  25. Either a) It’s a kink, b) it’s a dare (sorry), c) he wants in on your will or d) he likes you as an individual human regardless of your age.

    All I will say is BE CAREFUL. He is legally an adult, but it’s a big gap. The difference alone as an age for a partner would be a big gap for him.

  26. How about you don’t think too much about why and just enjoy a night of sex with a young guy

  27. I’m going against the grain here, but I wonder if Tyrell just sees you as the mother or grandmother he never had. The handholding isn’t necessarily romantic; are you aware of the trope “help an old lady walk across the street?”

    I’ve definitely had older father figures in my life who weren’t blood related to me, and never EVER thought about pursuing anything more than a friendship with those men. If any of them acted inappropriate with me, I’d be devastated and gone in a heartbeat. You should tread carefully with how you handle this friendship/ platonic relationship with Tyrell. I certainly don’t recommend trying to date or have sexual relations with him.

  28. Chances are 99.99% he’s preying on you. The major milestone for him is to earn your trust. Once he does that, he will be able to exploit you quite easily (ie: scam you out of your money and assets, etc.)

  29. He 1000% is going to scam you if you move forward with this relationship. Treat him like a helpful nice young man.

  30. It’s not likely he is looking for an 74 yr old wife or GF….if you have money or a nice house and car…he might be trying to get close to you and then ask for stuff…needs money for school or can’t pay his rent…His car needs repairs….be on the look out of trickery. He might be casing you house so they can rob you later. It is possible that he is just a nice guy that wants to help an elder person but I struggle to trust people…So why don’t you just ask him? See what he says, why he wants to hang with you? *I have both young and old friends but none are on a sexual nature or dating.*

  31. I’m just gonna say it. He could actually like you. I mean, your age is actually a porn category and there are men that are into it. But I honestly think that if he’s not making a move, then he’s not 100% serious.

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