Been playing around with this FWB for one year (25F me and he 32M). We respect each other and our communication is usually great. From time to time, out of the blue, he stops answering my messages and disappears. I get really worried since I know he has anxiety. Still, I feel that if he needs space he just needs to tell me. When he is back, he says that he was dead busy… Or has had some personal issues going on.

I wish him happiness and it wouldn’t bother me if for whatever reasons he wants me out of his life (even if it hurts a little). I got really worried because last time I saw him, he told me that he was having a difficult time. So I guess the reason for him “disappearing” is his anxiety. In that case, I would like to support him as any other friend would do. I don’t like seeing him suffering. What only happens is that I don’t know how to help.

If you have ever been in this situation, how would you liked to be helped? Right now he is not answering my messages nor he open them, still I want to help. Thanks!

PD: I’m conscious that maybe he doesn’t answer for other reasons… Then, in that case, we may need to reframe our friendship, but I need to know to move on.

  1. Y’all in a committed relationship or what? You two fuck when it’s time to fuck and that’s pretty much it, right? Or FWB has a new meaning now?

  2. r/askmenrelationships

    this person is using you.

    they are not even friends with you. friends don’t ignore each other.

    this is not even a friends with benefits situation. this is a relationship that is one sided (you)and the other side is strictly exploitation(him).

    he only comes around when he wants his dick sucked

  3. You are a fwb, if he’s having a hard time he can’t rely on you, and he might not want sex when he is down

  4. This isn’t a relationship. You need to understand that. You already have caught feeling. This isn’t gonna end well.

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