How would you feel if someone you used to see/date saw you on an OLD app and liked you and messaged you to say hi?

  1. I don’t have dating apps but somethibg like messenger…..I’d say I was happily married.

  2. If she was the one who broke it off, nah her other option isn’t working out. Got more pride than that.

    If I was the one, there’s a reason I left her, be down for something casual though.

  3. Ex-GF? I would probably say hi back to her. Ex-wife? Probably not.

    Anybody I’ve dated, even if it hadn’t ended well, it would have been quite a few years and people do sometimes change. I might see where things went with it.

    But this is all theoretical because I don’t have any dating apps and I’m not on FB or Twatter.

  4. Fine with me. It’s nice to catch up with people.

    Granted, if it ended on a bad note, I’d rather they not contact me unless it’s to share important things they’ve realized and/or to apologize.

  5. Ex-girlfriend? Probably wonder what’s going on as, last I saw, she’s married to another guy. If nothing about her profile mentions about being divorced or something, I would probably play dumb but keep my distance. I do owe her some apologies after all.

    If she was my elementary crush, then probably message back and see what’s up. It has been forever since we last talked and I know she has changed a lot, going off of me randomly finding her Facebook account and what I vaguely remember from Jr. High when we last met.

    Otherwise, I don’t even know if I would recognize any women who were somewhat close to me from my past so I would assume they were just some random person (the joys of majoring and working in tech.)

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