Bicycle commuters, how long is your commute?

  1. Not a current one but in Providence it was about 10 minutes which actually probably beat the car just because I could take a couple shortcuts.

  2. When I was doing bike commuting, I did about a 13 mile commute each way from northeast Indy to my suburban office park. The first 1/3rd was the roughest being an unprotected bike lane on a main road, and then another short stretch with no bike lane at all. After that it was all paths and trails.

    Then on the way back late at night, the last 1/3rd was the toughest.

    Then we moved a lot closer and my commute went from 13 miles to 2 and I often just walked.

    Now I’m home.

    We still only have one car though and I use my bike for most of my errands throughout the week. In fact I just did a bike ride to a meeting. It was only half a mile away so even though it is windy and snowy it was no big deal.

  3. Previous job was 15 miles and I would bike 2-3 days a week. Flat and a good portion on off-street paths. Took me about 1:15 in the morning keeping it mellow and about an hour in the afternoon when i didn’t care about getting sweaty. Driving would be 25 minutes in the am and 35-50 minutes in the evening. But the job I’ve been at for nearly a decade is in SF (when not WFH) and there is no real way to bike there from Oakland.

    My wife was bike commuting pre-COVID for about 4 miles to Emeryville, which took her about 25 minutes or so.

  4. 3.4 miles if i go straight down the stroad. 5.2 miles if I take the lovely winding bike path along the river (zero car street interaction). I always plan on taking the trail but usually hit the snooze a couple of times and end up sucking car exhaust.

  5. 3-4 miles. Takes 30 minutes or so, mostly because of the lights.

    Most of it is low stress streets or protected except for the couple blocks on a hella busy street lol I’d like to not be horrifically killed please.

  6. From my house to my school, it’s usually 20 minutes. 15 if the weather is good enough

  7. I used to bike to my college and then to work. A 30 minute walk to college was a 12 minute bike ride. A 45 minute walk to work was a 20 minute bike ride.

  8. Used to be 40mins to an hour when I commuted to class by bike. In a hilly area too.

  9. It’s 3.5 miles and decently hilly. Takes about 20 minutes by bike, compared to 12 by car. Of those; 1 mile is on a cycle path, 0.5 of a mile is on a neighborhood collector street with a bike lane, and the remaining 2 miles are on local streets.

  10. It generally takes me about 45 minutes one way. With a favorable wind and luck at the intersections, I’ve done it in 35.

  11. Thirty-five minutes to go five miles without dedicated lanes and without a direct route.

  12. first off, my commute experience changed noticeably when I started wearing hospital scrubs on my bike. They’re the standard fit, surgeon’s green, and people see me from a mile away and they get. out. of. my. way.

    …generally speaking. Your mileage may vary.

    I commute across philly which is pretty flat and it’s less than 5 miles and takes less than 30min

  13. Former bicycle commuter. My commute was about 1.5 miles on foot, 2 or 3 by bike. The shortest route by bike included a narrow, high traffic road, a 5 way intersection, and a hairpin turn that was the single most dangerous intersection in town. The sidewalks were safe for walking but not suitable for a bike, so I took back roads. In good weather I’d make the commute longer.

    Different job in a different city now, so I drive 30 miles into the office a couple times a month and the rest of the time work from home. Pre or post work bikeride is between 4 and 15 miles.

  14. Switched jobs to be remote but 25 minutes to my old one. Beat driving most days for how shit traffic can get.

  15. I’ve done commutes of 1, 3.5, and 4.5 miles in each direction. Ironically the 1 mile commute was too short, and I felt like I wasn’t getting any regular exercise.

  16. (past) It was about 2.5mi in Boston. About 1mi of that was on bike paths/off-street, 1.5mi on some low-volume residential roads. Could be walked, but the bike made it far quicker.

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