It’s been 2 weeks since we’ve talked. Im not really sure what’s going on.. We’ve been talking basically almost daily for a year but more recently the gaps between each text have been getting larger and larger. At first it went from one text a day, to once every few days, once a week and now it’s been 2 weeks while i’d reply in an hour or 2. He mentioned another girl he met when i accidentally offended him but that was a month(ish) ago.. I also suspect he might be talking to another girl.. but I know he’s going through a bit and might be busy with work and school but it just seems like a bit much.. should I just move on..? šŸ™ or should i text him again ?! i feel like double texting might seem a bit desperate.

  1. Heā€™s lost interest. Itā€™s best to leave it alone & just move on.

  2. We make time for people we are interested in and sorry but this is not the case. Donā€™t waste your time!

  3. If it’s been a year and he has not asked you to be his girlfriend then he is not interested in you.

  4. If itā€™s gotten to the point where youā€™re posting on a Reddit threadā€¦he isnā€™t into you. Donā€™t ask for closure. Donā€™t reach out. Move on.

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