I’m dumb and i don’t have knowledge, can i still join college if i don’t meet the requirement

  1. Why waste time and money? The exciting world of physical labor has a lot to offer: housing, food, medical access.

  2. I doubt you’re dumb, but consider trade school. There’s welding, big rig driving, plumbing, electrical, etc. All that stuff is needed and pays really, really well.

  3. College and job training are where you go to GET knowledge, you don’t need to be knowledgeable _first_.

  4. Join. I thought I was dumb too. Turns out I’m smarter then average but I have dyslexia.

  5. You don’t need to be knowledgeable, you will be going to learn, and there are ways to catch up such as extra credit courses. It’s about the work you are willing to put in and where you want to end up. If you have a career path you really want to go down, go ahead and try to do it. Just make sure you put in the work

  6. College will accept almost anybody tbh. spend the first two years knocking out your pre-reqs and basic core classes.

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