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This has never happened to me and as much as I hate to admit it, it stings.

Im 34 years old, she is a 20 year old coworker.

We were called in for a presentation about a new machine where I work. To better see the screen, lights were turned off and the curtains were closed. It wasn’t pitch black, but dark enough to see the slides, although blurry (not a good projector). After the presentation they gave us some brochures to read, but it was still very dark for me to read without having a headache. I asked the manager to turn on the lights.

At this point she said to a friend ‘that old man, everyone can read it!’

Not loud enough for the manager to hear it but loud enough for me and her friend next to her.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting.

  1. Tell them stick and stones. You’re an adult, name calling shouldn’t bother you. Of course, I’ve been called out of touch because I’m rarely offended or outraged. Just seems tiresome to me.

  2. You’re overreacting and she’s an ass. Some people just suck man, nothing worth getting your shorts twisted up over.

  3. “I’m sorry, can you repeat yourself?”. Usually puts them in their place.

  4. She is a kid, man. Ask yourself why you care.

    I picked my girl up from an evening out the other day; the friend, who is in her 20s, made mention that she was only 25 and then followed that up with how I was the “oldest person” she knew, outside of her parents lol. For reference, I am 44.

    You could not pay me to be a 20 year old again. I ain’t one to label someone as “overreacting”, but that said, I would let it go dude.

    If there is a next time, professionally call her out on it. Any confrontation usually shuts idiots like that down.

  5. Use your years of experience in corporate politics to ruin her career and give you the rightful vengeance you deserve.

  6. I remember when some girls I worked with called me old and unattractive. I was hurt, but then I remembered the following:

    “Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.” – David Mamet

  7. You’re overacting.

    She’s a kid. At 20, she’s only been “not a teenager” for less than a year. At that age, people are only vaguely aware the entire world doesn’t revolve around them. The World is gonna beat her down soon enough.

    Just laugh and let it go.

  8. I would shrug off the old part.

    I would say something like, “you’ll get there too one day, and I am having trouble reading it. When you do face trouble reading something, hopefully someone else won’t try to ridicule you when you are trying to contribute.”

  9. Use that passive aggressive power we get when we get older “I’m sorry I don’t think everyone heard, do you mind sharing it out loud?”

  10. You’ve already wasted too much on this. Wear your age with pride, many never see it.

  11. Challenge them to a beat boxing competition.

    This will show them that you are “down” and “with it”

  12. I wouldn’t say you’re overreacting given you haven’t really done anything. It’s ok to recognize that ageism can sting sometimes. As others have said I think the best approach is to just ignore her. But if you see it become a pattern either directed towards you or others I think you should report her to HR.

  13. The same way anyone should react when someone says something demeaning: ignore it and go about your day.

  14. Paraphrasing Mark Wahlberg’s character in Pain and Gain;
    I’ve seen your mother…! I’ll be your stepfather in about a week!

  15. Legally she’s not a kid but mentally she’s definitely a kid. Some people are really mature at that age (my bf straightened the fuck up real quick in the army) but most 20yo are just kids who aged out of highschool (not even that long ago).

    It blew my mind when my 22yo sister got knocked up by her 32yo bf and he *wanted* her to keep it. He’s honestly not a dumb guy at all but he was still infatuated and didn’t realize until a little later that he just knocked up a kid (relatively speaking, in terms of emotional maturity etc). My bf and I like him and we both legit feel bad for him lol. She vents to me about what a grumpy old man he is but he’s my age so I empathize with him. He’s a grown ass man who had a baby with a recent teenager and now he’s stuck. Your coworker is a silly kid who has a lot of growing up to do. I’d take it about as seriously as if it was a teenager. It’s gotta be frustrating working with people that young though so I feel for you dude. But it’s not your job to help her grow up. It just ain’t your problem, and trust me you don’t want it to be. They’re a headache.

  16. Like fine wine, I only get better over time. You’ll understand when you mature.

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