I’m a 19 year old college student. I have a lot of male and female friends but I’m never asked out by anyone and I feel too insecure and unsure about asking someone else out. I’m bisexual so I’ve had crushes on both men and women in the past but since the country I live in is anti-LGBTQ so I can’t form a romantic relationship with any woman. Many straight girl friends of mine and relatives have openly complimented me on my looks. I think I’m average. Dudes do stare at me but no one wants to make a confession to me. My guy friends have complimented me on my maturity and wit a ton of times but no one seems to be interested in me romantically. I’m quite a feminine woman so not being approached at this age now kind of sucks. I don’t really get what is it I am doing that is still not enough. At this point I don’t even feel like I want to date to seek pleasure out of it or enjoy the experience but I just want to put myself out there to see what it’s like to be liked by someone just because everyone else is doing it. The social pressure is also killing me because I’m tired of answering how I’ve been single my whole life.

1 comment
  1. You have to have even just a little bit of confidence. It sounds like you don’t have any. Your validation seems to come from other peoples compliments and whether or not people “stare” at you. That’s not attractive. Your validation must come from within. It actually doesn’t seem like you’re ready to be in a relationship anyway, you have to be secure with yourself. Anyway, lots of people are late bloomers so don’t be concerned about that.

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