How can you tell if a friend is lying about getting laid?

  1. So I had one bent over the table here, there was one up here who I was fingering and I was just toe fucking the one on the floor.

  2. If someone feels the need to go out of their way to talk about how much sex they’re sexing, I would just assume they’re lying.

  3. If they way they describe it like a porno or they get angry when you say that their chatting shit

  4. You don’t try to. If they’re sad enough to lie about it, last thing they need is an asshole shoving them further down.

  5. If I had male friends that felt the need to brag about sexual encounters, I would re-think how much time to spend with them. Whether a lie or not isn’t really important.

  6. He can’t show “receipts” as in pictures, text messages and profile matches

  7. First, why do you care? If he is desperate enough to lie to try and boost his ego the dude is hurting and calling him out aint cool. If hes bragging and you dont like it tell him youre uncomfortable with that sorta talk.

  8. How much a friend is having sex is pretty irrelevant to my life. If they tell me it’s happening I don’t care if it’s true or not.

    Like who gives a shit

  9. If they are talking about it, especially with detail. The more detail, the easier it is to tell if it’s a lie. Also, if it seems like a movie or porn scene, it is certainly a lie.

  10. Tell him to pull his pants down so you can smell and taste his cock

  11. Usually if they’re trying to brag a lot even if you never asked. That either means they just did it for the first time or they are lying.

    But as I got older I stopped caring much.

  12. I’d like to know because when my husband is inebriated, he talks about all these women he’s cheated on me with…in great detail.

  13. This is decade ago when we were still very young.

    I asked a friend who bragged about screwing around if had anal.

    His response was, ‘Yeah! Maybe’

    I never believed a word he said after that

  14. Ask him for more details, jf he doesn’t keep his story straight you got him.

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