I 24f get attached to guys way to hard and quickly after meeting them. Start imagining life dating them. If it doesnt work out i have a super hard time getting over them. It took me 6 months to get over my last heartbreak after dating this guy for just 2 months and nothing sexual. Idk why i am like this. I met this guy on a dating app and find myself checking his app location on bumble every day multiple times a day to see where he is. How do i get better and not attach so quickly?

  1. Hello 😇

    My best advice would be to occupy yourself. What worked with me in my younger years (I’m now 28 haha) was to keep myself busy between waiting for replies from girls on apps etc.

    Also, confidence worked a shit load. So build on your self esteem and be happy being alone. Sometimes attachment to others could mean you have little self esteem. Once you realise how happy you can be by yourself, without relying on anyone else, you won’t have a problem with getting attached quickly to people 😊

    Again, not professional advice haha just my opinion and what worked with me. Self motivational podcasts, books and videos on YouTube are your best friend.

    Good luck!

  2. You may want to research anxious attachment style and see if that fits. If it does, you’ll get some information and have a better understanding of what is happening and why whether you choose therapy or not.

  3. Same lol

    Still not through it but I always had this view on things. Your life should be like a cake. Cake is awesome. Your favorite kind, with all the works on it. A relationship should be like adding candles or decorations on it. It improves the cake but doesn’t take away any real value when removed. Cake is still there.

    You have to remember that you are awesome and badass by yourself. It’s really hard to go from feeling wanted/loved to being alone with your own thoughts. I like to think that you are going back to that same person who got their attention in the first place. But now you are better due to experience.

  4. This is not attachment. This is obsessiveness.

    Your behavior is going to scare men away.

    It sounds like you don’t trust him. If trust is an issue in general it might have to do more with yourself than with these men.

    Therapy will help you soul search and understand yourself more. That is my recommendation.

  5. How do you value yourself? Many people who get attached easily simply don’t feel they are complete or whole without someone. They get attached to the idea rather than the person. Not saying this is you but work on loving yourself more and being happy when you’re alone. I had similar problems until my last breakup then realized I wasn’t loving myself enough to feel complete without someone.

  6. I have the opposite problem it takes months for me to care about a guy I’ve taken a break from dating can’t bring myself to care enough lol

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