How do you figure out if a person is bad in the first few interactions?

  1. You look for the little hints and undertones in what they say. The little comments. What they’re saying without saying it.

    How they talk about things and people they don’t like. How they treat service staff. How people who know them respond to them.

  2. Everyone has good. Everyone has bad. The person will likely show both regularily throughout your relationship. The key though, is making sure the person has MORE good than bad. If not … It’s best to walk away

  3. Get them to talk about people in their life that they are close with (family, friends, past or current partners) and see how they describe them. Are they complimentary, neutral, or critical.

    If they’re negative and judgmental about people they’re close with, they’ll do the same (or worse) to you behind your back and are not worth your time.

  4. One trick my dad did to test someone’s character was to pronounce something wrong, the way the person behaves about it is very telling.

  5. Usually something weird will stick out to me. It’s really small and I often dismiss it as me being judgmental, but so far it has been right every time except for on one occasion. I’m very introverted and my granny used to say I was a big people-watcher when I was younger, so maybe that’s why I can pick up on it. In a psych class I took years ago I was supposed to guess how well two people knew each other based on short clips of interaction and I also got that right lol, like better than the rest of the class 😂 it sounds lame but it honestly made my year lmao so idk.
    I don’t really have a method… maybe just try to stay out of your own head and try to observe that person more than anything else. If you think too much about what you’re gonna say next or how you look, you might miss some random piece of information.
    Listen to how they speak about and to people. Do they call their best friend names? Are they bratty towards the waiter?

    If they are rude with others but extra kind and considerate with you, it’s only a matter of time before they switch up their tone with you.

  6. making eye contact is very important to me . if a person can’t look at me it makes me feel like they aren’t interested

  7. Trust your gut. If the feeling say run, you listen.

    Also, some monsters don’t show in the first interactions. So forgive yourself if you only notice late

  8. Ask who they voted for in the elections. It’ll give you a good measure on if they have similar values.

  9. there vibes . if u get a gut feeling around them. if they talk or joke around about drugs or cheating on people or serious things that takes it wayy too far. also cursing….. id someone curses like constantly it gets weird very fast id rather not be around them. very sarcastic or stuck ip people who dont answer questions but give back handed answers or act rude …. are dead to me . espesially in men if all they do it stare at ladies or make sexual jokes or look at there phone . god knows they will be awful to hang around . stay away from those types of men.

  10. How they present themselves. Their posture, their expression, their hygiene, and their speech

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