So I’m a 20 year old woman with high libido but it was definitely wasted. I’m horny most days but I’m not what anyone wants around in general. People don’t like monotone personalities in girls, which I can’t help because I have severe social anxiety and depression. I’m also chubby, I have a pouch of a stomach and I look like this: 🍐.

I do have a partner (22 M) but he either has low libido or he’s just not interested in me. I’m almost 100% convinced it’s the 2nd one because he never wants to spend time with me, he’s always playing league. He always plays with the same guy and this guy brought this girl he was interested in and all 3 of them were playing together until 3 am. From what I’ve heard of her, she’s got the uwu cutesy personality that everyone seems to love. So, it’s no wonder I’m left alone.

I’m sorry, I just wanted to vent since I woke up in the mood, didn’t do anything about it, and then got sad.

  1. It’s ok I like thicker, crazier girls. 🙂 I’m also thick n crazy

    If ur not crazy ur boring

  2. I think you probably just need to find a more suitable partner. If your partner makes you feel this bad and insecure about yourself it’s probably not going to get better. There will be someone who is more into you and a better match for you. Probably someone who will love that high drive you have too.

  3. gotta work on that personality, dig it out, polish it up. make it nice and shiny. you’ll attract more options.

  4. You’re 20, my advice would just be to move on. You’re too young to be worried about this kinda stuff. Lol

  5. Your post reminds me that i don’t regret giving up video games when I was 18.

  6. There will always be people out there who will like you for you. High energy is exhausting. A sarcastic deadpan daria-esque woman is way more appealing personally. Move on from the emotional drag you have and find someone who does make you happy.

  7. I feel the same way sometimes about the woman i decided not to have children with because of this reason mines higher hers wasn’t. I’m crazy to still want her back, but I do.

  8. Find someone better for yourself . Don’t waste your time on men who don’t value you !

  9. Time to move on and find a partner with tastes more suited towards yours and you. There are lots of men and you’re still super young. Sounds like you’re shy for the club scene so go online, find somebody (or a few somebody’s), and have fun.

  10. Stop the self hate youre writing. You and your boyfriend are just simply not compatible. Theres nothing wrong with you. He cares more about his game. You deserve someone who actually enjoys being around you. Who makes you happy. Dont settle for someone you arent happy with.

    Focus on you. Maybe try and be more outgoing every now and then but besides that dont change who you are for some guy.

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