Currently going into my senior year in college, and honestly somewhat worried about how dating works after college. Currently, I have someone that I do like and could see myself dating, but don’t want to tie myself down coming right out of college. I am nervous that I am wasting a great opportunity (with not this girl, but potentially others) to find a girlfriend. I don’t want to get out of college and find most people are taken and then I’m screwed and won’t marry anyone. On top of that, I have no idea what dating is like after college and am nervous that what works in college won’t work in the real world and I’ll be in a tough spot. If anyone has insight into dating after college and what the differences are, that would be awesome.

  1. Everyone is either in a relationship of married, especially all the “good ones”.

  2. I do subscribe to the idea (for men at least) that real life isn’t too dissimilar to college. If you are able to attract people you are interested in and attracted to, then there’s no reason why that wouldn’t happen after college.

    There are circumstances that can cause changes e.g. working in a mine in the middle of nowhere or alternatively, getting very wealthy. But except for the outlier events, I think your dating in college can be quite reflective of dating after college, people’s desires don’t change dramatically.

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