I’m very into free use. I have a fantasy of staying at a guys place all day, being naked in his bed watching shows or whatever, and him being able to use me whenever he feels like it throughout the day and as many times as he wants. I want to just leave his cum in/on me all day.

Does anyone have experience with something like this? What did it look like, was it enjoyable for both sides, was there any physical pain, did you need a lot of aftercare? Or anything else I should be aware of?

Edit: Thank you for the feedback so far!! My idea is just for one day not an ongoing thing at this point.. unless I really enjoy it

  1. I had a relationship like this. She’d come over on the weekends and I’d sometimes have work to do as I was working on my PhD. I’d have to grade tons of my students papers and I’d take breaks, go, make her cum, sometimes cuddle, go back to working. If we went somewhere, I could have my way and I absolutely did.

    Ultimately, free use means mutual pleasure to me and cuddling is always expected unless we discuss otherwise.

  2. Me and my wife started like this, eventually tho, her vagina would hurt towards the end of the day, and my abs were wrecked, and then the next day she would close the shop, but I would be dead tired by then anyway.

  3. Yeah, my gf and I have been doing this for months at her request.

    It’s been fun. Sometimes it’s just a bit of fondling or oral just to tease, sometimes it a spontaneous sex session. Discuss it with your bf and set up any expected boundaries or expectations.

    As a suggestion, place bottles of lube in various locations and hand towels for quick clean up. Also we tend to stay nude at home unless guests so we keep the couches and chairs covered. Again helps with clean up.

  4. I believe I’ve only ever done this successfully in a relationship. The amount of time you spend together seems like it would be important for free use to be in play, that there’s a context (which is what I find makes it hot). I imagine finding a casual sex partner to do this with would become somewhat intimate over time. But maybe such friends with benefits could exist, there’s just a whole lot of the domestic living aspect to it

    Personally, feeling like a live-in slut is harder of a headspace for me to get into if I have less than a few hours with someone. I guess it depends on what you want. I don’t remember if ever being a bootycall felt like free use to me. There’s just something about being a housewhore lol. I suppose it’s subjective

  5. My wife & I started one Saturday with watermelon mimosas & coconut oil. We went 5 full rounds over the course of about 7 hours, taking plenty of breaks, naked on the porch. It’s one of our favorite spankbank memories together. Just be sure to keep the lube handy. It’s like sunscreen: use more than you think you need.

  6. i did it once with my (now ex) girlfriend

    it was fantastic it was a mix of free use-shibari

    a recommendation be clear about your insurmountable limits and have a safe word that your boyfriend must absolutely respect

    also make a contract, contracts are great, limits are surprisingly liberating in these cases

    If you are worried about ‘spontaneity’ you can write your contract and give it to your boyfriend so that he can collect it whenever he wants. My girlfriend and I did this, she gave me a contract and I used it at a totally unexpected moment.

  7. you are probably going to need a lot of lube. And I really mean *a lot*. Because chafing is no fun, at all.

    You may find out that you have a physical limit that comes a lot sooner than your mental limit. Learning where your limit is, could be a quite good start in terms of becoming good at this and doing it the right way.

    If you enjoy giving oral, remember that there is a way to “cheat” occasionally and give him something and at the same time save yourself for later.

    Sometimes, sex is very fierce. And sometimes it’s very slow and cosy. Slow can cosy *could* mean that you have him in you while you two are watching a movie or playing video games or whatever. And that you focus on closeness rather than movement.

    Perhaps it’s a good idea to make up your mind on if you fancy attention when you are asleep, or if that is a boundary you don’t want crossed. Perhaps, to dip your toes in the water a bit, see if you can fall asleep with him in you as a grown woman’s version of a pacifier…

    This may become a lot more fun if you deliberately dress in a way that doesn’t force you to get any clothes off to get him in. I’m thinking, say, a dress and no panties underneath?

  8. I have nothing to add except holy shit, this sounds amazing and I wish I could find a woman who wanted to do this with me.

  9. I’ve proposed to my wife but haven’t had a full sex day like that. I think we will soon and will report back.

  10. So for a year during the pandemic, Locked in all day, I brought it up to my roommates (1 guy(26) and 1 girl(27)) that I (29m) was into free use. They could have free reign of my body whenever they wanted since we were all essentially locked down.

    About a month goes by and nothing which is to be expected but then the guy came in and asked to give him a bj to which I did. He would use my mouth every day since. Then another week later the girl would come by wanting to use me. We stayed like that for a good year before I had to move. I still miss it dearly. I live alone now so its hard to indulge in the free use kink 🙁

    There wasnt any aftercare that I needed but sometimes I’d cuddle with the girl afterwards

  11. have done this a couple times, aside from making a mess and being soar it is a great time. depending on what you consider ANYTHING is you might want some safe words and gestures.

  12. This is my whole relationship when we’re at his place. It’s amazing! Idk if I need a lot of aftercare because he’s always just provided it. It took some conditioning before I wasn’t sore for several days after, but I like the soreness

  13. The most times I had sex in a day was 5. My schlong was raw by the end of the day. I had to take couple of days off for it to recover.

    On paper, sex all day sounds good. In reality, there are repercussions.

  14. I’m single currently and looking for a life partner. This is the kind of thing I hope he’s into. It’s not the sort of thing I think would be as good with a more casual partner. Not sure how many times I’d last, but you don’t know till you try. Having towels handy is a great recommendation,especially with all the lube you’ll use.

  15. My husband and I do free use Sundays lol. Still do my regular stuff, housework, whatever…he’ll just randomly come up behind me or drop me to my knees while I’m doing dishes, folding laundry, watching tv, etc. It’s insanely hot.

  16. When I was first discovering my sexuality I pretty much did that. I had Grindr installed an I pretty much agreed to every “horny?”, “you up?” And dick pic sent to me.

    A few regulars and I didn’t have much time for strangers

  17. If you don’t know the guy that well. Make sure you give him space in the morning to poop. Otherwise he could feel uncomfortable all day and just want you to leave so he can use his bathroom privately

  18. I LOVE the idea of free use. But, sadly I haven’t tried it yet. Soon, hopefully.

  19. I had a ldr where we would start Thursday night and go till Sunday night. I was not allowed to (and did not want to) ejaculate till Sunday so it was 72 hours of edging for me. Crazy fun

  20. This is kind of how my life is, though it’s more so on weekends (he works and he’s often too tired on week days to use me much).

    But he’s got permission to use me whenever/however generally speaking.

    I can say no to anything of course if I want but it’s something I enjoy maybe even more than he enjoys it.

    Aftercare is basically always important to me. I love aftercare. Being held and told beautiful things or cared for in other way after being used is an incredible feeling and it makes me feel very connected to him.

    Yes, there’s inevitably some pain involved. Especially if there’s a lot of anal or deep throating/face fucking involved. I can take that for a few days but I do sort of need a break after that. But a break is kind of part of our natural rhythm anyway so it’s all good.

    Like any kind of BDSM it’s a good idea to have a safe word. Even if you never use it, knowing it’s there is helpful.

  21. I think this is a great idea and breaks away from normal and routine of things. No set time just pure fun throughout the day epic and enjoy

  22. Note to self- put more effort into finding a guy.

    Please don’t take this as an invite to message me

  23. I have experience with this (as the person freely using my partner). It’s great. The absolute best, and I’m entirely certain all involved loved it. Lots of snacks, drinks, weed, movies or TV, sex toys, etc. I highly recommend!

    A lot of people would be uncomfortable with this concept, but it’s a great way to get to know someone better (once your to the point of knowing you wanna fuck each other like rabbits, of course).

  24. If it’s just one day you’ll be all good, use plenty of lube and if it’s not with your regular partner discuss boundaries before and establish a safe word for both. Bring your own toys you want him to use on you. Also if you usually shave don’t do it before that session, rather trim or wax 3-4 days before. If you like to be tied use soft materials – scarf etc. Drink plenty of water (I prefer electrolyte water to be more hydrated) and try to pee after sex every time. If it’s for a few days make sure you have a day off as you will be very sore. We did it on our 5 day vacation where we had private pool and hot tub for ourselves which caused us to shower more so bring a good lotion with you if you’ll be in similar situation. It was definitely memorable but day 3 had to be a day off as I literally couldn’t walk properly lol.

  25. well i just discovered a new fantasy for the bucket list, that sounds hot

  26. So hot! Creeping this thread for ideas. I’ll tell this idea to my boyfriend and he gets instantly hard. I love the idea of him being able to use me whenever he wants.

  27. Awesome dream to have, I have a similar one but with multiple guys being able to use me.

  28. I have tired this with a few different men and they all seem to love it. you get very full/ covered at the end of the day tho haha

  29. My wife actually gave me a ” FREE USE” card for our 1st wedding anniversary. It’s a laminated card. On 1 side it says “The holder of this card is entitled to FREE USE of (her name)”. On the flip side it reads “This card is valid Anytime – Anyplace & can be presented multiple times a day, 24/7”. The small print says “This card is revocable only w/ 48 hour notice by the issuer’
    I don’t even have to present it anymore. She hasn’t revoked in the 6 years I’ve had it. We have had quite a few all day uses from it as well any time of the night, in the car along side the road & other interesting places. I luv using it in hotel rooms on our road trips!
    She has never said who made it or where she got it. She just smiles when I ask & says not to concern myself with that but just keep using it! & I do!

  30. We do it everyday. We’re both work from homes and we have this dynamic where he’s basically the boss of everything so he can come up whenever he wants how many times he wants everyday. We both have very high sex drives so it works well. Can have penetration or just me giving oral. I can be painting and he’ll suddenly come up and start fondling me. Of course, he’s sensible enough not to do it hardcore everyday or when I’m really busy at the moment. You’ll get sore especially if the guy likes it rough.
    Eh I don’t know about aftercare but he does take baths with me, does first aid if needed, cuddle me all the time especially at the end of the day. When he knows I’m sore he takes over cooking and vacuuming. So better do it with someone you trust and will actually take care of you after.
    You’ll need lube. You don’t want chafing.

  31. My husband and I do this whenever we go up to our place in the woods. We’ll go up for the weekend, and the whole 3 days, he’ll keep me naked and sometimes on a leash, doing whatever he wants with me (100% consent). Now that it’s summer, I think we might stay out there a few days, maybe a week

  32. Use lots of lube or you’ll end up like my username

    Also reading this comment section makes me wish my bf could cum more than once per day lol

  33. I’m old but we always referred to this as “sex-cation”. Would go on mini or sometimes actual vacation with the idea that it was all about satisfying each other as often as could for the duration

  34. Yeah, I did this once with a fwb. He had me hogtied on a bed all day, Ordered a pizza, used me as a table but DID feed me a piece which was nice and a few ice blocks were popped in my bum every now and then. Lots of fun, very laid back and casual. very low key, no emotional impact.

  35. Wondering if “free use” includes labour, i.e. can your partner ask you to do housework etc.? XD

  36. It’s great! Just listen to your body because if it’s a whole week of free use the vagina ends up being sore and needs ro recalibrate, even for the penis. It has happened to me and my partner, no matter how bad we want it to continue we had to take a break until my vagina wasn’t sore anymore.

  37. My ex and I had this kind of relationship. We’d usually wake up early (like 4am) and have a morning quickie, then we’d smoke out. We’d spend the day high and naked. We ordered food, we fucked, we showered, we smoked, we cuddled, we touched, we kissed, we talked, we listened to music, we napped, we did it all again. We used a lot of lube, lol!

    He was my Dom so he could just give me a look and I’d be on my knees, mouth open, eager to please. It was my first relationship with this dynamic and it was incredibly fulfilling for me. He indulged my praise kink a lot and there were a few times when I would actually cry when he’d tell me he was proud of me, that I’d done a really good job, etc. – it meant that much to me.

    This is probably way more information than you want to know, but I’m high and sad and lonely so I’d like to share a bit more and I hope that’s okay. As I mentioned, he was my first relationship like this. Just after we started dating, my dad died. The days after my dad’s death were horrible for me. I have a few disorders that all flared at once culminating in a manic episode and self harm.

    The days spent with my ex, the days I got to totally submit and let go were the days that felt like rest. By being the perfect sub to him, I got all the validation and love I’d been craving. In his eyes, I was perfect. That unhealthy and unrealistic lifelong expectation could finally be met, even if it was just a day at a time.

    Our relationship ended up being very toxic and codependent, the line between dominant and abusive was definitely blurred, and he absolutely took advantage of the situation. But getting to exist just for him on “free use” days was when I felt free. We’ve only been broken up for about four weeks now, I haven’t had any contact in three. I know he didn’t treat me right and that he’s dangerous – he was violent with me. I know that’s a hard boundary and that I’ll be better off without him. I know that I’ll heal and get better and be able to enjoy sex with another partner again one day. But I fucking miss him.

    I’m so sorry for going off on such a tangent!! My advice: maybe don’t get a new abusive daddy right after your actual abusive father dies? Lmao but actually: Have some clear boundaries about what you need and expect before/during/after. Use lots of lube, keep towels on hand, stay hydrated, have some good snacks in the house. Make sure it’s someone you can communicate with because an all day sex marathon is gonna require some talking. And a lil weed makes it last longer in my experience.

    Sorry again for being a downer 😅 Good luck and have fun!

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