Would you ever take $300-$500 weekly payment from your ex who wants to be unblocked?

  1. Hey, I am not exactly coping well with a sudden break up of a 4 year old relationship, it was special in a way where we were both extremely different from society but similar to each other’s lifestyle, taste and world view. Her support helped me pursue engineering and manage a life of hard work and extreme rigor and hardship. Obviously it all collapsed and feels irrelevant after the break up and her cutting me away.


    The reason for that was because a lot of my dreams suddenly unravelled where I gained a lot confidence and felt untouchable and in a state seemingly unending abundance, physically I got jacked, my voice deepened, mentally became headstrong and felt like all support and love she poured towards me was her personal selfless project to build me into my new becoming and she was onboard with dreams/visions and where I wanted to take us.The day she cut me away was when I used a tone she disliked, righting texts in caps, being abusive with my language, and overall not caring about her feelings. it’s a story as old as time but I took her granted one last time before she had enough. She is very beautiful and showed me men who stalk her. Now I am that man. Basically I am bed ridden, nearly colorblind from balling my eyes and already becoming physically weaker from losing touch with her. Nothing inspires me to live anymore and there is no reason to live for anything.


    I decided I wanna message about her unblocking me and I would pay hundreds of dollars for each week she’s not blocking me and exchange a word or two at most per week, just feeling connected again would flip my whole universe around. I dread this seperation, not having her, if she can forgive me… well what do you think? I’m not experienced with relationships but I know she would use the money and it help her in her current state, Am being selfish? How will she take this proposal of unblocking me for a weekly payment? I’m completely irrational and my brain chemicals are completely unbalanced currently so I can’t straight through anything anymore. Thanks

  2. No. The people I have blocked have been blocked for my own well being not for theirs.

    If I feel like I need to pay someone to allow me into their lives so that *I* can resume functioning then that would be a big red flag for me to seek out my support system for help moving on because that is clearly not coping with the loss.

  3. I’d take the money, but it wouldn’t guarantee I’d reply and I’d definitely not care. I’d solely be in it for the money.

  4. My advice would be to move on. As hard it may be, you are grasping at straws, clinging to the past. Go four weeks without contact and it will get easier. I know the pain you are feeling. Going through it my self at the moment.

  5. of course . the question doesn’t say anything about responding . 😎

  6. Nope. That gives me major stalker vibes. I would absolutely feel unsafe if someone was so desperate as to offer me money to talk to them.

    Next thing you know, they become so desperate that they kidnap you and keep you locked up in a little sound-proof room in their basement.

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